
  1. P

    Start medication before diagnosis?

    Hi, New here. I suspect I likely have Fibro, and my pain has gone from occasional to more or less constant (mostly in my arms and legs). I saw my GP last week, who also agreed it could be fibro, and did offer to start me on drugs right away for the pain. I can't remember if she said Cymbala or...
  2. P

    Mystery pains with fibromyalgia

    Hi all, Glad to have found this forum, and hope I'll find some advice/support. I'm currently seeking a diagnosis for my "mystery pain", which I suspect could be Fibro. Back story (apologies for length): I'm in my early 30s. I have Celiac Disease and have been gluten-free for 8 years. My...
  3. Kelvin

    Male, 28 - chronic pain

    Hi, new here. I've been dealing with chronic pain for several years now, being shuffled from doctor to doctor, trying to figure out what's wrong. I've been on psych disability for 6 or 7 years for severe depression, anxiety, and ptsd. I also suffered from chronic migraine. 2 years ago, I had...
  4. M

    feeling very upset and frustated

    My symptoms started with fibromyalgia back in August. I had random pains here and there not enough to make me go to a doctor. It has slowly gotten worse I finally went to my family doctor the beginning of December. She ran all kinds of blood work and sent me to a rheumatologist to also-ran blood...
  5. S

    no fatigue but pain Fibro?

    Hello all, just joined the site. Wanted to ask if having fatigue is a determining factor when being evaluated for fibromyalgia. I have no fatigue but do have widespread pain, cramping, stabbing muscle pain in legs, aches and spasms in my neck and back, tight muscles everywhere - most notably in...
  6. S

    difference between fibromyalgia and ms symptoms?!

    hi guys new hear ،i have diagnosed with fibro for almost two years ،recently i googled an found out the ms and fibro are very simillar in symptoms and thats freak me out and im going crazy! :(...plz help :( is anyone who can describe difference symptoms of ms and fibro :( my symptoms are...
  7. J

    Overlapping conditions, so confusing

    I have recently started researching FM because after being diagnosed with it, I was never given information on it. I found a FM website that contained an overlapping conditions page. I have been diagnosed with 11 of the listed conditions. It's interesting to me how some of them tie in. I always...
  8. V

    Hand spasms?

    I'm curious if anyone else experiences this. Occasionally when I'm doing work I need to concentrate on, like writing in a small space or trying to plug my headphones into my phone, my hand will do a little spasm, just once. I haven't found a trend with it, but it happens enough that it's...
  9. T

    newly diagnosed, feeling lost.

    Hi all :-) I have only just been diagnosed (2 weeks ago) with fibromyalgia, and to be honest I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around and accepting it. For the last few years I've had ongoing hip and leg pain following a car accident and numerous tests have shown no answers, leading to...
  10. T

    I feel stupid , embarassed and alone with fibro

    I was recently diagnosed with FM back in March. This has been about a 3 year process and I'm still not convinced. Three years ago I started having some pain and discomfort in the front and back of neck. Soon after I started having back spasms and they would cause me to be on the couch for a day...