
  1. K

    Diagnosed, but still doubting. Am I just grasping for an answer?

    Hi everyone. So my doctor diagnosed me this week with fibromyalgia. It's been over six months that we've been trying to figure out what is going on with me. Fibromyalgia is very new to me and I'm very unfamiliar with it besides the research I've been doing on it this week since the diagnosis...
  2. C

    Requesting Advice for Dr's Appt

    Hey all, I saw a rhuematoid dr twice, and I have decided to see a different rheumatoid doctor. Not necessarily for a 2nd diagnostic opinion, as I can say with probably 85% certainty that I have fibromyalgia. Rather, I want to see if she can provide more insight and a better treatment plan...
  3. A

    A whole day of torture

    I don't know if this relates to fibro, maybe indirectly, but I need to vent. I just had one of the worst days of my whole life. In addition to fibro and ankylosing spondylitis, I also suffer from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) which causes me to get nutcracker esophageal spasms. I've...
  4. Tipnatee N

    I've got restless leg during sleep so much my butt looks fantastic in the morning!

    Sometimes I just wanna pore concrete on it so I can go back to sleep!! Grrr. I have so much leg pounding rumbling spasms and buzzing like I was out running marathons all night , in the morning my butt actually looks like I just stepping out from the gym 8-) Well that untill the the bloat and...
  5. C

    Fibro test, tightness in your chest, Cymbalta

    Hi - I am still trying to determine if I have Fibro or not (see my post in do I have fibro) folder. I DO know I don't have Lupus or Rheumatoid arthritis or Lymes, Epstein Barr, Parvo, Hepatitis C and some other things my doc ran tests for. My symptoms began in my hands (which continue to...
  6. C

    Do you think I might have Fibro?

    Hi – new to forum. Wondering if anyone thinks this sounds like Fibro. It has been suggested by a doctor in the past but no one has ever addressed it further. I am 51, female, and in generally good health. I do have irritable bowel syndrome - have had it for 30 years. It presents with bad...
  7. A

    Cold, tired, in lots of pain

    Oh man. I am so over it. I can't seem to find a position to lie or sit in that doesn't involve pain at the moment. I don't just have fibro. I also have ankylosing spondylitis and I frequently get what's called nutcracker oesophagus, which is where the oesophageal muscle spasms and cramps and it...
  8. B

    Feeling low and pretty lonely

    Hi guys, It's been a while since I've posted on here. Since my last flare I've been doing alright, I've had my good and bad days but on a whole have been doing a lot better than I was doing. Half term week this week, so have had a week off of work, and weirdly this is where I think I have now...
  9. I

    There's a good chance this is Fibro. Do my symptoms sound familiar?

    I am at the end of my rope. I have been dealing with these same symptoms for about two years now and have gone from doctor to doctor asking for help to figure out what is wrong. I am seeing an Endocrinologist at the beginning of next month. But here is what I have been dealing with: 1.) Extreme...
  10. O

    My Aching Muscles

    I have so many different muscular symptoms...notably tightness, spasms, twitches, and a weird problem at night that is like RLS but not actually RLS. I think it is originating in my gluten and also have problems with my traps. Anyone out there doing anything for their muscles besides...