
  1. T

    So down

    I am so down today. I told my husband I am physically, emotionally, and mentally tired. Everything thing hurts even my butt cheeks. I was thinking that the medication I was on was finally starting to help with the depression but today I'm not so sure. Maybe I'm just having a bad day. I...
  2. E

    Completely Frustrated!

    I started working at a place I love just over a year ago. I was hired in part-time, a couple of days a week. Since then, I have tried to work more hours, I have changed positions at that job and I keep trying to go for the goal, working up to 40 hours a week. How do I accept my limitations? I...
  3. G

    What worked for us

    I have no financial ties to any products mentioned here, and no association other than being a member, with any websites that I may mention. If I mention them, it is only because I, as a mother of a child diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, CRPS and CFS/ME, have found them to be helpful. My...
  4. R

    Fibromyalgia and pregnancy.

    Is there anyone pregnant and suffering from FM? Common symptoms of FM are usually confused with those of pregnancy resulting in FM going undetected. Women with FM have more symptoms of pregnancy than those without especially in the first 3 months. Doctors recommend that women with FM go off...
  5. G

    What worked for me

    Full disclosure. I have no financial ties to any products mentioned here, and no association other than being a member, with any websites that I may mention. If I mention them, it is only because I, as a mother of a child diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, CRPS and CFS/ME, have found them to be...
  6. V

    Signs? Runs in family. Please help.

    Hey everyone. So my grandmother had fibro and I think my mother may as well. I've been researching some symptoms of fibro and have found a lot that march what I've been dealing with for 8 years, but doctors don't want to listen to me. I have widespread pain across my whole body, I have...
  7. H

    Low body temperature

    Hello everyone, I am not alone as I can see. I was diagnosed about three or four years ago. I had all the pains in my body and I was always ok. Then a doctor told me, that I have fibro and gave me Endep. As soon as I got it I felt pretty new. But not for long. I have pains in my stomach...
  8. M

    Hospital ?

    Has anyone been to the hospital due to their fibromyalgia pain? This week has been horrible for me. I have been in so much pain (all over my whole body) from the neck down. I haven't even been able to shower in 5 days. Sleep has been sporadic. Now I'm getting really emotional (crying). My...
  9. Cheryl Ann

    skin rash

    Hi All, Yesterday I stayed in my pajamas all day. It was a lazy day of sleeping, sleeping, sleeping. My lil bro and his wife stayed with us over the weekend and I hosted a Murder Mystery Dinner Party. It was a super fun weekend! Today, I got up and lazed around for a few hours before taking a...
  10. P

    Loss of support from family and friends

    [INDENT]Hello ... I'm PhillyFibro, and have had FMS for nearly 30 years. It was like a bad nightmare for 7 years before I was diagnosed in 1994. OK, so I wasn't a nut job, there's a real illness here. I believed knowing what was happening would be a giant help. But it took years to find...