
  1. C

    Problems with harsh Tap Water

    Does anyone else have issues with tap water quality? Since moving into my partner's place (well before I even moved in...). First time I ever took a shower the water was burning my skin and was not relieved until I went back to my own house to shower. Now 2 years later I can't even drink or...
  2. J

    Today's special!

    The special today is a big dose of upper back pain right between the shoulder blades! I was just starting to feel human and woke up yesterday morning with upper back pain which is now creeping up into the top of my shoulders...had two heating pads going this morning..took a hot...
  3. P

    Not diagnosed....

    Hi, I haven't been diagnosed with this but I am suffering from a number of the symptoms. Background Sorry to be bothering you but my Doctor, Specialist and Physiotherapist are showing no interest in my condition and symptoms. 6 weeks ago I had a rotator cuff repair that included platelet...
  4. IsisRose

    RSO Has Really Been Helping Me

    I had MMJ down in CA and just recently got on it in WA. A friend suggested that I try (Hemp Oil) which is often used for cancer, but has many other wonderful uses as well. I began it about a week ago and have already found that I sleep so much better. At most I wake up once during the night...
  5. J

    Thinking I May Have Fibromyalgia... Curious About Others' Experiences/Symptoms ...?

    After doing some research today, I think I may have fibromyalgia. I had thought it was just a pain disorder 'till I overheard something on Dr. Oz about chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I've been diagnosed with Major Depression Recurrent, Insomnia, Panic Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety...
  6. J

    It's Hump Day

    Hi Everyone...just thought I'd check in and say hi as I wait to see what effects my activities today will have on my body...My sister is refurbishing her back yard sitting area...she got four new sling chairs at Target in a pretty teal color so we went to Lowes yesterday and bought paint to...
  7. A

    When Do You Put Your Foot Down?

    I always feel like I have to do things for people. I don't know how to say "no." So, I end up stuck in this cycle where I'm constantly doing things for others and then I'm so tired, I'm too tired to even take a shower. I used to be pretty good at saying "no" when I couldn't do something but...
  8. H

    Why are we still in the dark?

    There are lots of theories out there about FMS/CFS. It's a thyroid problem, it's a digestive problem, candida, it's an autoimmune problem, etc. But not enough research is being done to get to the bottom of it. The reason for that is twofold, in my opinion. 1. Fibromialgia and chronic fatigue...
  9. K

    Doubtful about my diagnosis. Thoughts please?

    :)Hello! I had been having really bad migraines (pain in my left eye and left frontal lobe) a few times a day, plus when it started I was fatigued and had tingling down my spine and left arm, and numbness in my left hand, and very bad tremors in my left hand. I also felt very weak and faint...
  10. J

    Pain ruining a vacation

    I was so excited to go on vacation; however, I over did the walking on the first day. We got lost, so 2 hours were added to the walk. I've woken up today in so much pain, but I'm able to move, so I'm not going to say anything and ruin our 2nd day of the trip. I've managed to convince the...