
  1. G


    I just joined here a couple of days ago. I honestly can't remember when I was diagnosed. My MD told me I had Fibromyalgia :o about 12-14 years ago. I was of the young age of 48. I had never heard of it and was not in constant pain so I would just deal when I would 'not feel good'. I have...
  2. G

    Mostly upper body pain?

    Hello everyone! I am new to fibro, new to this board. Not even sure I have fibro yet. Internal medicine doc suspects it and referred me to a rheumatologist. Took him two tries to find a rheumatologist who even treats/sees fibro patients. I'm not sure that's what I have. In the meantime (while...
  3. D

    gabapentin reaction

    Hi , my history started with reiters syndrome about 25 years ago, had flare ups on and of and various drugs, I.e steriod injections, co, proxamol, naproxen.About 5 years ago was sent to rheumatologist for various blood tests he was unsure of r.s and diagnosed chronic pain syndrome. Gradually...
  4. A

    New.... and unable to sleep lol

    Hello all I am Jacquelyn Biggs or angelgirl2345 on most if not all sites xD you can call me Jacquelyn or angel, either works. I do not mind my name used on sites. I am 25 and live in the town of Paris, Arkansas. I have been suffering with fibromyalgia like symptoms for over 5 years now. I have...
  5. K


    My doctor told me back in July that he was pretty sure my pain was caused by fibromyalgia as I have the tender points, but he wanted to do some blood work. I have had two test done and both test have been showing that I have elevated inflammation, so I'm questioning if I really do have...
  6. M

    New to it all....

    Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about a year ago. I was mad at the diagnoses. I believed for years it was a fake disease. When my rheumatologist said that I had Fibromyalgia I was in complete denial and angry. Now dealing with the reality of the diagnoses and symptoms I am at a...
  7. I

    is this fibro? please help

    Hey everyone! I have a question about fibro that I recently got diagnosed with and curious if I really have it. I'm a 28yo male and I have been having issues for a little over a year. It all started with abdomen pain and tenderness in my abdomen. Then I stated having pains in my chest. Not deep...
  8. A

    Question about Rheumatologist

    Hi, Three years ago I went to a Rheumatologist and after reviewing a questionaire I had to fill out and not really examining me at all, she told me I had Fibromyalgia and charged me $300. for the visit. I did not believe her at the time as my then symptoms did not really seem to fit the...
  9. T

    What was your experience re diagnosis? I feel lost...

    Hi guys! I'm new to this site and was hoping to get some info re diagnosis. My doctor referred me to the local hospital to check if I have Fibromyalgia. I had my first appt with a rheumatologist who asked about symptoms/ did tender points check. Some were v sharp others not as bad. I then had...
  10. T

    FM symptoms. Is this really FM? Help!

    Hi there – I was recently diagnosed with FM by my neurologist last week and am taking Cymbalta. I’ve had an appointment with my rheumatologist since then, and she isn’t so sure the diagnosis is entirely accurate. I was wondering if anybody could help me by sharing some of your personal...