
  1. Ichiban71

    Newly diagnosed (hello and some background about me)

    Hello from New Hampshire. Just got diagnosed a couple of days ago. I've been a migraine sufferer since I was a teen, but the headaches have changed since I've gotten older and stopped having babies, I'd say about 6 years ago. I've gotten a couple of MRIs done due to the headaches and other added...
  2. T


    Saw the rheumatologist today and she confirmed what my PCP had diagnosed which is fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. She did an extensive exam including blood work and x-rays of my neck and shoulders. She recommended some changes in medication and perhaps some aqua therapy. I am...
  3. K

    New member here

    Hi everyone, I have been looking for awhile for a support group for Fibro. I have no doctor support really at the moment. My GP is getting tired of hearing about my issues and specialists so far are not all that helpful. I was diagnosed about 3 years ago following a car accident by a...
  4. T

    Just Blah

    Hi, hope all of you mothers out there are having a great day with your families. Even though my daughter, son in law and granddaughter came over today and had dinner with me I am still feeling blah. Just so depressed I could cry. I never seem to want to do anything anymore and the thought of...
  5. N

    Doctor Doesn't Believe Fibromyalgia is a Real Diagnosis

    Hi, I have been having medical issues for at least eight years, and have been brushed off and offered antidepressants for most of them. Fall of 2013, I got a lot worse. Extreme fatigue, moderate pain to severe at times, insomnia, waking up like I took a beating all night long, cannot find...
  6. Z

    "Fibro believing doctor" in Nashville TN

    Hello. I'm looking for fibro doctors in/around the Nashville TN area. Need some recommendations. My insurance company thinks that fibro falls under the rheumatologist and gave me an provider list. This list is old and outdated. The few doctors that sound promising...called them and they are not...
  7. S

    Hello everyone, new here and hoping to learn lots.

    I was diagnosed about 5 years ago by a rheumatologist, but still not completely convinced I have FM. In the very beginning, I saw an ENT doctor for trouble swallowing, she did blood work and, after solving my swallowing problem, sent me to rheum. because my sed rate was very high. Rheum. said...
  8. realmaryz

    20+ years of hell!

    All these years of pain and low stamina and drinking too much alcohol and panic attacks and depression. I was almost 50 years old when I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Why didn't one of the many doctors I've seen over the years even mention the possibility of this? Anyway, hello! I'm...
  9. I


    My name is Debra. I'm new here--this is the first time I have ever joined a group forum. I was told that I had Fibromyalgia about 7 years ago by my rheumatologist at that time, and was managing okay until my car accident just over a year ago. Always thought my pain was a flare of the RA--I was...
  10. H

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hello, I am new to the group, having been diagnosed by my GP in February 2015 with Fibromyalgia. I started having pain in the back of my right knee one day, and then it mysteriously disappeared two days later, but that same day, my fingers were sore. The next week continued with sore wrists...