
  1. Seph


    I've been doing some investigation into nootropics to help with my fibromyalgia fog, and it seems that Ashwagandha comes up every time I research. It's an Indian herb, also called a winter cherry, that has been used for stress and anxiety for years. There are several studies that support it as...
  2. W

    Ice Bucket Challenge for Fibro -

    I had a friend posted something to his FB page. Gave me a laugh and I thought it was fitting: Take the Face Punch Challenge. Help spread awareness of Fibromyalgia and Donate money to Fibromyalgia research. At the same time, get a taste for what it is like to live with FMS. Face Punch...
  3. B

    Diagnosed last week and in slight denial

    Last week a rheumatologist diagnosed me with fibromyalgia/chronic pain. I should share that I was diagnosed as hypothyroid 4 years ago. And I'm overweight. I've blamed many of my problems on my weight, even as my dosage for my hypothyroidism has increased. Over the last two + years, many...
  4. G

    new- waiting for a diagnosis

    Hi all, It is 1:19 am, and I am trying not to want to chop my legs off. I can't sleep because they ache so much. I don't know if I have fibro. I pleaded with my family doc for a referral to a neurologist (now I know, from reading posts, that I probably should see a rheumatologist. Live and...
  5. C

    Can cider vinegar help reduce joint pain and inflammation?

    A friend recently told me that he managed to clear up his gout in a few weeks just by using cider vinegar, he also told me that people suffering from joint paint and inflammation due to arthritis or fibro may benefit from a reduction in pain and inflammation just by taking a small amount in a...
  6. M

    It can become exhausting or it can be rewarding when you try different things.

    I have found out the hard way and so has the people who I care for that it is exhausting on the mind as well as the wallet when you hear that a supplement can possibly help and you go out and buy it then use it for some time and it yields no results. I think back to a phrase my uncle used to say...
  7. K

    Hi all....

    Hi all, I am in the UK and thought I would join a US forum as there seems to be a lot of different types of research goes on in different countries. Also, I sometimes need help to get me through work and as we do not seem to sleep all that well I thought maybe I'd get some responses from people...
  8. R

    Hello! I'm new here!

    Hello! Searching for the latest information on research and treatment options. I was diagnosed in 2007, and want to purchase my first book. Any suggestions? Thinking of "The Idiots Guide to Fibromyalgia" or Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain: A Handbook for Trauma Survivors. Input is...
  9. J

    Thinking I May Have Fibromyalgia... Curious About Others' Experiences/Symptoms ...?

    After doing some research today, I think I may have fibromyalgia. I had thought it was just a pain disorder 'till I overheard something on Dr. Oz about chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia. I've been diagnosed with Major Depression Recurrent, Insomnia, Panic Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety...
  10. R

    Thinking It Might Be Fibromyalgia.

    I have been trying to chase down a diagnosis since I had a sudden onset of symptoms a month after a car wreck 3 years ago. I am a 50 year old male and I have already been diagnosed with congenital spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, spinal/foraminal arthritis, and arthritis in both...