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    Some UMN Questions if you don't mind

    HI Folks I have a couple of questions. Most of my symptoms (other than my arms) seem to be UMN according to my neuro. I did email her, but wanted to ask those of you with real life experience if this is normal UMN type of thing or something else. My pain levels are increasing quite a bit...
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    Advice on Fibromyalgia

    It's entirely possible that muscle strain from stress is causing forehead stiffness. It could actually be a headache you're experiencing--instead of, for instance, the back of your head, it's in the forehead. Eye strain, believe it or not, could be the cause, too. I doubt it's any...
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    Not Feeling that great and I'm tired

    Wright and Zaphoon I appreciate your straight forward responses. I haven't been told I have ALS nor I haven't been told anything. I've been tested for Auto Immune diseases - negative and my blood work has always come back great. My gp is exploring Fibro. I shake at night which isn't a symtom of...
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    Do these symptoms point to ALS or Fibromyalgia?

    Hi, Do the following symptoms point to ALS or Fibromyalgia? -Numbness in all four limbs, that started occurring suddenly. -Neck pains, with pains that feel like they're shooting from the neck into the back of the head. -Pain in the spine, feels like someone is stabbing me. -Pain in my ankle...
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    new here and very scared!

    Hello everyone, I have not been diagnosed with als but am very scared that i have it. I have a long story but I will try to shorten it as much as possible. i got the swine flu back in april and have been having weird neurological symptoms ever since. It first started out with my arm feeling...
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    MRI Ok, B12 good, muscle weakness

    Hi, I don't know how to start this, only by asking some questions. I know you guys can't diagnose me or anything, I'm working on things-I just want to know if some of the symptoms I've been having for years are real. I had the muscle twitch test done, and the docs thought I had PLS. I had a lot...
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    how tell fatigue from disease from not sleeping?

    Hi everyone. You all have big hearts and I appreciate the time and help. I wrote in a different thread, under "husband," but this is a specific question; when the doctor asks if you feel fatigue at the end of the day, how on earth can you separate exhaustion because you're not sleeping at night...
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    Received news that brain MRI was normal

    I'm glad and still frustrated. Of course I still have the UAB appointment with the neuromuscular specialist Dec. 23rd and we are waiting on more bloodwork. I have a couple of questions for anyone: 1. Do doctors rule out the serious stuff first if there are a multitude of symptoms or do they...
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    increased repetitive potentials/ALS?

    Hi-- I have been diagnosed with NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) as well as polyendocrine dysfunction and an undetermined autoimmune disease that is sjogrens like and lupus like, and have severe spinal degeneration, osteophytes, canal stenosis, herniated disks and scoliosis throughout the...
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    severe fatique, please help me out w/ questions

    In October of 2007 I pretty much went from feeling great, perfectley healthy to feeling extremely tired with both arms and both legs feeling very heavy and weak. They feel like they have weights on them. I am also very dizzy. I just woke up one day feeling this way. I also have had a twitch in...
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