
  1. A

    A few questions.

    Hello all, About 10 months ago I had some health problems crop up. I was hospitalized for a bout of afib, I was released and put on Atenolol to help prevent reoccurrence. About a month later I found out that my wife was pregnant shortly after that I had a bout of tremoring in my left arm, I did...
  2. J

    Questions about fibro.

    I went to the doctor this week because I had what I believe was a sinus infection. I had ear aches and one other weird symptom. It hurt to touch the back of my head and my scalp as well on the side of my head Wen I mentioned this to my doctor she asked me if I have ever had been talked to about...
  3. S

    My story, and some questions...

    Hello! (I posted part of this in the New Members area also) I am honestly not sure what I am doing on here, hoping for support and to become closer to people who are suffering from the same things I am. This is sort of long, like a novel, so, I am sorry for that! My name is Melissa, I am a 27...
  4. Yatte

    Alcohol and Fibromyalgia.

    We all like to take a drink sometimes to relax, but with fibro this is not always possible. I like my glass of white wine now and again, but with my IBS it is all that I can drink, other drinks just exaggerate the cramps and bloating. I have a few questions I would like some of your opinions...
  5. I

    Need to Vent

    I really need to vent so have decided to do it here. I have had fibro for 2 years, it is so severe I cannot work. My neurologist told me from the beginning he believes it is work-related. I filed for social security disability, got denied twice, filed my second appeal and am just waiting for...
  6. GlumshanksGirl

    Never ending battle.

    After over 4 years of strange symptoms that left me writhing in pain, fainting, coping with brain fog and concentration problems, digestive upsets, and more I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia on December 5th of 2012, 2 days after my 27th birthday. Hi, I'm Shi and I am a Fibromyalgia...
  7. C

    Fibro, IBS and Food Allergies

    Hello, I've just joined this forum. I have had FMS, bipolar, IBS and numerous blood problems and food allergies. I've had three very difficult pregnancies and births. If anyone ever wants to talk to me or ask me questions etc., ask me and I'll try and answer anything. You can also find me...
  8. H

    Hello to everyone

    I am glad to have found this forum. I am a caretaker of individuals suffering from chronic pain due to congenital and muscle disorders. This is forum will be a great resource for me to try to help them through this. Feel free to ask any questions and I will do my best to try to help. Cheers!
  9. G

    I have a few questions.

    I am fairly new and would like your input on a few things. Although I have been on an anti depressant, panic attack med, and med for racing thoughts, I still have a big problem with depression. It happens randomly, without any warning. Is this just something we have to live with? I also am...
  10. G

    Sunflower or Seasme OIL

    Long-term use of vitamin E supplements may help protect against amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (or ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease), according to a recent report from the American Journal of Epidemiology. Vitamin E. Vitamin E has attracted significant attention from ALS researchers as a...
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