
  1. Tipnatee N

    When other fibromyalgia person being rude to others, Do to fibromyalgia?

    A close friend of mine experienced rudenessly push and shoved out of the way in the water aerobics class by another lady who yelled " move away you are in my spot!!" That push hurt her quite a bit cause she have very bad knee problem with arthritis ( luckily it was in the water so the knee...
  2. M


    Hi there I have been getting treatment for my fibro for about 4 years now . im on 12mg hydromorphone long acting and just recently my dose of 4mg of dilidud has been dropped to 2mg a day. I also go to a pain clinic when needed and get a lidocine and ketamaine infusion when necessary. (sorry...
  3. Tipnatee N

    Hello, I'm new here too , living drug free with FM nice to meet you all!

    Of course it's not that I want to live drug free with fibromyalgia, but I'm broke and now homeless too lol what can I say , gotta stay optimistic somehow right? :wink: I did most research on supplements, food, and lifestyle. Sometime I gets good days sometimes I don't ( some are pretty bad) ...
  4. Zolly

    New and struggling

    Hi everyone :) I was diagnosed in January this year with Fibro after years of trying to figure out the problem I seem to be having a very hard time really accepting this... even though I'm surrounded by friends and family I feel very alone and like nobody understands :( I just want to be able to...
  5. R

    Fibro newbie

    Hi all, apologies for what may be some dumb questions, but i have only recently been diagnosed with FM and i seem to have more questions than answers at the moment! Q1. I seem to tick many of the 'ailments' boxes, but not all, especially when i read about the amount of pain that many of you...
  6. R

    Fibro newbie

    Hi all, apologies for what may be some dumb questions, but i have only recently been diagnosed with FM and i seem to have more questions than answers at the moment! Q1. I seem to tick many of the 'ailments' boxes, but not all, especially when i read about the amount of pain that many of you...
  7. J

    Oh Doctor Doctor You Know What It Is!

    Hello fellow sufferers. So glad to find this forum! So, some background to start. I'm a 61 year-old woman who has suffered from pain for a long time, some for a reason (degenerated discs in my lower back and neck) and some unexplained. But it's always there, sometimes quiet, sometimes screaming...
  8. M

    Every Muscles Burning/Exhaustion with Simple Repetitive Tasks

    Does anyone (I`m a male) in this forum have this problem? The brain fog and this muscle issue have been a problem for me for the past 6 years. It started when I was in middle school after I had a heavy bout with a flu. It has gotten worse but stagnant now as I am in my 20s. Wether it is singing...
  9. N

    Nerve pain

    Hi! I've been having a lot of nerve pain lately. I use Tramadol (50mg) because it shuts down the pain center in my brain. That, and cannabis, are the only two things that seem to work. Now the problem is; cannabis is illegal where I live (you can't even get a prescription for medicinal...
  10. O

    My Aching Muscles

    I have so many different muscular symptoms...notably tightness, spasms, twitches, and a weird problem at night that is like RLS but not actually RLS. I think it is originating in my gluten and also have problems with my traps. Anyone out there doing anything for their muscles besides...
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