
  1. Tipnatee N

    Chilblains have anyone ever got it?

    I know it's the winter illness but with fibromyalgia I suddenly getting them during summer heat . I'm very puzzling by it. When I was living in New Zealand 20 years ago I was diagnosed with this symptom call Chilblain . Chilblain is a very painful burning itchy red swollen on fingers and toes...
  2. VanGogh

    All of those strange stories.....

    A girl falls out of a tree and is cured of her illness. A person get's dental work and then hears radio transmissions. I fell down a flight of steps when my back was out and got up without pain. If any of these stories are true ( mine is ) doesn't it make you wonder what other off the wall...
  3. VanGogh

    Metaphors, stories, lessons, teachers....

    My brain sometimes feels like it wants to explode! I want to get the thoughts and information out " there " but like a Twilight Zone story I often can not find " there ". On one of those political talk shows, I recently heard someone say: " there is no there, there " and I rolled on the floor...
  4. D

    New to Forum and Diagnosis

    Hi! I actually joined the forum over a month ago. I thought it was about time to say hi and thank everyone for the posts and info I have gotten from here. It is so much better to hear it from people that are experiencing it. Some of my symptoms have been brushed over because they didn't...
  5. AdorkablesMama04

    New to Forum Long Diagnosed

    Hello all! First I want to say I'm sorry for turning what should be a short intro into a long one. Also, if you have trouble understanding I've had to start typing how things sound in my head and stop proofing my messages because it takes hours when I do and sometimes things turn out worse...
  6. D

    Hello I am new to the forum

    Hi! I am new to this forum and my first forum. I was diagnosed back in 2000. I work as a housekeeping supervisor for a hotel in Pensacola,FL. Does anyone else have a problem with easy to anger? Sometimes the simplest thing will trigger it. This only started a few years ago. Also any suggestions...
  7. Tipnatee N

    Hypohidrosis ( absent sweating) in fibromyalgia

    One of my symptom in fibro is hypohidrosis , I really can't sweat at all normally. The only time I sweat is during my night sweat caused by sleep anxiety and sleep disturbance. Or just a feeling of sweating because my hair pores are being force opening to release heat on top of my head while...
  8. D

    how to rebuild unused muscles

    I have been very inactive due to high pain for the past 2 at home all the time. I am suddenly very worried about the amount of muscle mass i have lost and i was in quite good shape even with fibro prior to this as i walked as much as possible and kept flexible doing my house chores...
  9. S

    Help for Fybromyalgia Flare Ups

    Hi, I'm Sonique50 and I Have Fybromyalgia. Is There Anything Anyone in the Forum Can Suggest to Do if You've Used Epsom Salts, the So Called Miracle Cure All, And Have Found That Though it Claims to Help Fybromyalgia it Actually Made Mine So Much Worse? And Has Anyone had a Similar Experience &...
  10. vickythecat

    let's list our embarrassing complaints

    Hi, I thought maybe it is time for us all to share our embarrassing complaints, mostly to know that we often actually all suffer from the same. It can be fibro-related or not, more or less embarrassing/serious, but let me start off with my list; - vaginal flatulence - I don't know why I suffer...