pain management

  1. V

    Progressive pain under treatment?

    For those of you undergoing treatment (pain management) for your fibro, I have a question. Have you found the pain to be progressive in your body and life? My pain has been dramatically progressive over the last two years, but I was not receiving treatment until this summer. Now that I have...
  2. R

    Need Good Doctor in Baltimore Maryland

    My wife's coward of a GP just told her she "can't" prescribe her meds anymore. I think from my research it's more like "won't". She said my wife needs to get them from a Pain Management doctor. My wife has been on the same meds, oxycodone and fleceril, and the same dosage for 10 years. It's...
  3. T

    Pain management doctor

    Ok, I live close to Springfield, Il. It is a town on 117,000 residents. I looked up fibromyalgia doctors in this area and found about 10. I called each of them and was told they were no longer working at that facility. I looked up pain management doctors and could find none. I called my...
  4. B

    Do i have fibromyalgia? ?

    Hi i have not been diagnosed with fibro myalgia however I have been diagnosed with chronic pain iam under the care of pain management i have also got (IBD )inflammatory bowel disease along with pains throughout my body I have degenerative bone in my spine i have burning sensation which comes and...
  5. T

    Can't hang on much longer

    God, I want to die. The pain in my arms is so bad. At first it was just the left arm, the one I had surgery on now it's both arms. The pain is the exact same type of pain in both arms. It feels like my upper arms are being squeezed in a vice and where my arm goes into my body feels like it is...
  6. N

    Need doc in north east

    I am new to this forum. Very happy to have found it. I was diagnosed over ten years ago. I gave my full story under the new member thread. Anyway, I am having a very difficult time with the pain, fatigue and brain fog for quite some time now. I have been to several specialists who have now...
  7. N

    New to forum, not so new to fm

    Hi, I am new to this forum, and so very happy to have found it. I am a 40 year old mother of 3. I had been diagnosed over 10 years ago by a rheumatologist; however, my primary had me convinced for years that it was a disease that doctors had made up. That they just came up with a name for...
  8. M

    Pain Management

    I am 32 & have been suffering with fibro symptoms for the past 10 years. I was just recently formally diagnosed with 16 tender points. My symptoms have increased drastically, I can no longer work, I have 2 children ages 8 & 13 & am really struggling. In addition to the fibro, I now have...
  9. R

    Pain management

    Fibromyalgia patients are inundated with constant spasms of pain and the temptation to exclusively rely on medication is great. A variety of pain management techniques are available. Massage is one of them. Deep massage is the most effective though FM is a challenge to patients due to allodynia...
  10. L

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hello All! I am 35 and just recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia by my PCP. I have had symptoms for close to 2 years and numerous test that were negative which led to my diagnosis. My PCP has decided to manage my pain so that I do not have to go back to my crazy pain management dr. He loved to...