pain management

  1. H

    A Physician Who Gets It.

    I posted earlier a link to this article. I didn't realize that registration was needed to view the article. Here is the article. "Vancouver – “We have less power, pharmacologically, than we thought. The vast majority of people are getting adverse effects in return for nothing,” said Dr. Tom...
  2. M

    Dr. Jeckle? Or. Mr..Hyde

    Once again Ive had a weird Dr. App. The Dr. Ive Been seeing does not work with pain management, and rolls his eyes one appointment about fibro, and then councils me the next about how I need to get through the steps of accepting fibro. NEEDLESS to say Im convinced hes the wrong Man for me. This...
  3. S

    No doctor, no insurance, no meds, needing ssi

    I was diagnosed in1996 with fibro. Just a few years later was also diagnosed with hashimotos throiditis. They play off each other. The meds for one doesn't help the other, and vice versa. So thru pain management bio whatever, I learned how to control my pain without meds. I have lived for...
  4. L

    Where do I go from here?

    I had my rheumatologist appt today and saw a different doctor. I've waited months to see them, have been at my GP constantly and am attending regular meetings with my boss at work due to sickness absence. I pinned all my hopes on getting some answers today and the doctor was useless! She said...
  5. D


    Hello, I am new here. I am not new to fibro. I am also not new to auto-immune illness. I am learning though now that often it is the fibro that disrupts my life the most. I have only just learned that fibro can be the cause of mood changes. For over a month I have been experiencing the terrible...
  6. M

    Hand pain in both hands for 2 years-Fibro?

    Male, early 30s, dealing with bilateral hand pain for 2 years. Office desk job. No other illnesses. I'm having a hard time finding a doctor who knows what's going on and WHICH kind of doctor is the right doc for my situation. Two years ago I began experiencing pain in my wrists/thumb/palm/back...
  7. J

    What type of doctor have you benefited the most from?

    Hi everyone. I'm new here but not new to fibro. Diagnosed in 2007. I've been seeing just s neurologist and a pain management doc for years and feel in a rut with treatment quality of life is manageable but definitely not great. I've been debating going back to a rheumatologist and also...
  8. R

    Hoping for help...

    Hello all. I am a 35 y/o male that has been struggling to find a diagnosis or treatment plan for what I believe to be myofacscial pain syndrome. It started 4 years ago with a dull ache in the back of my neck and a tight band around my head. This made me start to feel dizzy a lot and came with...
  9. I

    So incredibly wiped...

    Our daughter has attended the same child care facility since she was quite young. We were very fortunate, as it was local to the area that we lived, worked and played. The staff were always really great, much like a tight-knit family. We loved how progressive, nurturing and supportive they were...
  10. B

    What are the other options (if not Fibro)

    Hello All, I have been seeing doctors for pain and parasthesia for over three years now with no diagnosis. Actually, that's not fair, because for 12-13 months while I was pregnant with my youngest and right after, I did not have symptoms and was not being seen for that purpose. I presented to...