
  1. M

    Partners of Those With Fibro

    My husband was diagnosed with fibro 2 years ago. We were just hanging in there and then Cymbalta was prescribed. Was already on Lyrica, Norspan, Endep (for sleep), Celebrex. As soon as started taking Cymbalta knew something was wrong straight away - admitted to hospital with serotonin syndrome...
  2. C

    Vertigo, allergies and fibro

    Wondering who else struggles with allergies and periodic vertigo and what works to calm symptoms, especially alternative or natural modes.
  3. B

    What helps you to sleep and manage your pain?

    Hello, I am new to this forum. I have had fibromyalgia for over 15 years and have dealt with it by trying various sleeping medications, low dose antidepressants to help my chronic insomnia. I am 47 now and have finally hit a point where nothing seems to be working to help me to sleep. I am...
  4. A

    Pain and your outlook on life

    . I came here looking for some natural ways to deal with chronic pain rather than pain pills and opiates. I have read that a positive outlook plays an important role in pain management. I was wondering what your ideas or suggestions may be or if anyone may have some insight to share. .
  5. T

    Fibrolief Formula questions?

    Hello, Not advertising this, just curious if anyone has ever tried this supplement? I see it advertised on a fibro treatment forum. Lots of "natural" ingredients. Just curious if anyone has bought into this and did it seem to help with the inflammation, pain, energy, etc. Thanks, T.
  6. A


    I am posting this thread under Alternative Therapies, because I regard swimming as one of the best natural ways to combat any kind of pain or mental distress. For me it is one of the strongest "medicines" ever. Swimming on a daily basis gives me the ability to lead an almost normal life. The...
  7. P

    I need a hug...

    Since being on this site, I have been replying to posts, trying to encourage others, and things like that. I did not want to come to this board so soon, but... I have HAD IT with pain! It has robbed me of so much time I will NEVER get back, so much LIFE I am not living! And by the way, the road...
  8. M

    New member mehlisue

    Hello. I am Mehlisue. I am 57 years old, grandma of 8 wonderful children. In 2004 I had a accident that never seemed to heal. The doctors told me that the pain levels were of a unknown origin after a healing time had come and gone. that began my years of suffering that no one knew what to do...
  9. R

    New to the title but not the pain

    In the beginning, (6years or so ago), was Graves disease which nearly killed me before I killed it, (radioactive iodine). And, as in the program HEE HAW, they used to sing, "Deep dark depression, excessive misery." It took 4 docs and 3 years to get it regulated. And it was the worst pain by far...
  10. R

    new to this sharing stuff

    Nearly 10 years ago I had Graves disease that almost killed me before I found help--4 doctors! Still didn't feel much better but was going through menopause and was given natural, compounded hormones and started feeling better--somewhat. Buried my dad and father-in-law,(after caring for the...