
  1. H

    Newly Diagnosed

    Hello, I am new to the group, having been diagnosed by my GP in February 2015 with Fibromyalgia. I started having pain in the back of my right knee one day, and then it mysteriously disappeared two days later, but that same day, my fingers were sore. The next week continued with sore wrists...
  2. T

    Your experience with IUD Paragard?

    I take alternative hormonal therapy but it does not provide any contraception. I'm giving consideration to getting Paragard (my holistic GYN said that's the only one she would recommend) but I'm nervous about the potential side many people with Fibro, my body is super sensitive to...
  3. L

    Aspartame and Fibro Pain

    I just came across a very small study that showed a link between aspartame and fibro pain. The authors suggest that while more research is necessary, it wouldn't hurt to see if eliminating aspartame from your diet improves pain. I'm a HUGE advocate of eliminating all unnatural sweeteners and...
  4. D

    Reaching out

    This is my 1st attempt to find a support group and forum and I'm hoping to get advice and someday give advice. I posted a thread to general discussions about fibro "lost and confused" which details my journey since I've been diagnosed in 2012. I haven't had much luck in the way of finding the...
  5. N

    New to support group

    Hey there! I'm really excited that I found this website and will be able to get some much needed understanding. My husband, family and friends are caring but it's different to be able to speak with someone who actually has the same diagnosis as me. I was diagnosed with FMS 10/2014 and had been...
  6. M

    almost 30 male Fibro, more life like this?

    hello, I'm almost 30 and have been dealing with my Fibro for 5 years officially and 10 years unofficially......and I'm just looking at this long road, might live to 60 or longer with this how do I keep suffering through? I'm opiate intolerent and can only take them with cannabis(medical I live...
  7. C

    natural botanicals blend

    A friend on this site, I won't mention the name. But the initial are: onward&upward.... Lol. Got me to thinking holistic medicine again. I went to my near by head shop and they directed me to a product called tranquility. All natural botanical herbs. This is a smoking blend. When my pain levels...
  8. T

    Hi. New to Forum.

    Hi... I am very new to this. I was diagnosed over 10 years ago with neuropathy, and had learned to deal with the pins and needles sensations and numbness. The nerve pain was bad at times, but I "sucked it up" along with 800 mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours. It didn't help much at all. Last...
  9. S

    home remedies for fibromyalgia?

    Hi, everyone I've read how some creams help with the burning/itching skin that comes with fibromyalgia. I was wondering if anyone has a brand or specific type or combination that works wonders with them. Also is there any diet/food that helps particularly. Or any other natural or over the...
  10. K

    Just joined

    Hi, I joined last night wanting to connect with others that have fibromyalgia. I have had it for awhile and have lots of body aches, mental fog (hard to concentrate), and of course the natural depression that follows from not having a normal nervous system. I hope to be able to learn how others...