
  1. S

    New to here

    I have been looking for a place to talk to people who understand what I go through on a daily basis. I was diagnosed with fibro in January of this year(2015). I had recently changed drs. because my original dr didnt know what was wrong and my new dr immediately sent me to an RA and she asked...
  2. S

    Help. Just moved here. Need a doctor

    . Diagnosed with FMS 01/1996 and CFS 08/1996. I was 36, in the prime of my career. It was not a gradual onset but sudden, one day fine, got the flu, apparently kicked it all off. I was in bed first two years while mainstream doctors worked to find medications that at least got me moving...
  3. N

    Hello pain nation, I'm so glad I'm not alone

    Hi everyone, I'm Nada, I was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia a week ago. I was so greatful to finally get a name for this monster that has been ruining my life. I have been doubting myself for a while, thinking that maybe I'm just crazy or had become a hypochondriac. I have Graves disease...
  4. Forgetmenot


    so I went to the job centre , and was told I was on the wrong benefit . Ok I though. Well the lady said u need to try for ESA .reather like pip .or DLA . After finding a good website to see what they ask. I found that as long as u are breathing u can work. There no way I can hold down a full...
  5. Forgetmenot

    Job centre

    well I have an appointment 1 o clock this afternoon. 12 miles away. Where il have to explain to someone why I can't work. Lucky that Dr has left me a print out of what I have meds for. It will either be someone who has never heard of it and I then have to explain the best I can what it is. Or...
  6. W

    new here-frustrated

    I've been living with Fibro for three years, lost medical when I could no longer work. I moved closer to family in Illinois and needless to say the Medicaid program doesn't pay for any fibromyalgia drugs that actually works. The drug companies don't give help to anyone on Medicaid. Now they are...
  7. G


    I'm seeing a PA at a pain clinic. He prescribes my meds. The only real relief I ever get is if I take Oxycodone. I only take it when I really need it (I have a great respect for what that kind of medication can do) and I only take 1/2 of what's prescribed. I average 1/2 about 5 times a week...
  8. I

    Sleep Apnea and Fibromyalgia

    last time i was on here i thought i was loosing it all first i dont want to come off rubbing in anyone's face or upsetting anyone in anyway for 3 to 4 years i watched my heath go to being able to do almost nothing back 3 to 4 years ago my sleep ap machine broke and the provider refused to...
  9. C

    my journey with morphine withdrawals.

    Well folks, as you know from my posts, i have moved to the mountains in AZ. i am getting reduced pains here. elevation works! i went to a pain mgt doctor on the mountain and i found they are uneducated and uncaring. the doctor said i was crazy and I was making up that i had my diagnosis. as...
  10. L

    Medical Malpractice question regarding pain medication- Help!

    Hi everyone, I have a question regarding a very upsetting incident that occurred this week with my doctor. I was prescribed oxycodone about a year ago for my chronic pain, migraines and Fibro. I was told by my GP and other specialists that this was the best solution at the time, as no other...