
  1. D


    Up all night again. Can't sleep in constant pain. No one in my life seems to Get it which makes things worse. My family calls me a hypochondriac like its A big joke. I'm only 30 but I've felt like I'm 80 for years now. When ever I read about FM I get all emotional because I know I have it. All...
  2. D

    Can the mercury in dental amalgams cause fibromyalgia?

    Ingegerd Rosborg and her colleagues from the University Hospital in Goteburg, Sweden compared the levels of trace elements in the blood and urine of 38 females with fibromyalgia with 41 female controls to determine whether these elements have any role in the causation of the disease. They...
  3. C

    I wish we didn't need this...

    Hi everyone! My name is Crystal. I unfortunately was diagnosed with Fibro in November. I kinda knew I would eventually be diagnosed with fibro because my mom has been suffering with it for 10+ years. I have been going through some sort of illness for the last five years. If it wasn't some...
  4. R

    Hello All, New Here

    Not sure where to start. My name is Jenn. Still in the process in trying to find out what all is wrong with me. A few years ago I had a stroke.....which for whatever reason triggered a couple autoimmune responses. Pernicious anemia and Hashimotos Thyroiditis. Before all of that I worked...
  5. J

    Hi all

    Hi Everyone ,please bare with me as im knew to this but i just wanted to tell you a bit about myself .I was recently digonosed with Fybro in the summer of this yr after yrs of going back and forth to the Dr's many scans even at one point them thinking i had a blood clot in my legs . It came to...
  6. D

    Seeking diagnosis, no one can figure out what's wrong!

    Hi all! First I apologize if I come across brusque or incompetent, I have lost a lot of my verbal language and some of my written so sometimes I come across differently than I intend to. I am 31 years old and have had these symptoms for about two years. I've been to the doctor and had lots of...
  7. MysticMoon

    Hi, New to the Forum but Not to Fibro

    I was diagnosed with FMS several years go after a surgery that I never seemed to recover from. It took many frustrating dr visits, a multitude of tests, and years of fighting to get the treatment that works for me. While I do not have my entire life back, I am at a place where I can function...
  8. B

    27 Female Newly Diag Lost Mommy

    Hello all of you wonderful people out there that I am recently finding out are a part of the fibromyalgia world! I am a 27 year old mother of three who is newly diagnosed and completely lost. I have so many things going on at once that I don't know where to begin. So many things that I'm not...
  9. L

    Is this Gabapentin side effect normal

    Hi! I'm in the process of being diagnosed, but I have not been to a specialist yet due to my lack of insurance. My doctor gave me info to help me get insurance so she can get me to a specialist (would this be a rheumatologist?) But has perscribed me some meds to help me feel better till then...
  10. S

    Diagnosed, then sicker than ever with Cymbalta

    Two Thursdays ago I was finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. My walk-in clinic doctor diagnosed me. I originally went to her to get a referral to the rhumatologist (I say "the" because she's the only one where I live that's in my insurance's preferred network, and the other hospital has a very...