
  1. D

    Wondering if it's possible

    Hello, I'll try to keep this brief. But I am a 23 y/o male that came down with debilitating symptoms last year in September after living a totally healthy lifestyle and exercising often. My illness definitely felt like an "attack" of some sort. Let me know if anyone can relate to this or if it...
  2. S

    Seeking Help for Samson

    I am a Fibro sufferer who has lost everything including my job, my house, my car and now my ability to live alone. I am trying to raise money so that I can get a mobility scooter so that I can keep the love of my life, Samson. Samson is my 100 lb old english sheepdog. I have lost my ability...
  3. S

    Fibromyalgia - a thief in the night

    Fibromyalgia has stolen my life. I have lost my ability to work, then my home and my car during bankruptcy and now my ability to live alone so I sleep in my sisters dining room. In addition to Fibro, I also have Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Extreme Hypothyroidism (thanks to the graves disease...
  4. 1sweed

    Chilly Feelings, Go Away

    I found a few hints on how to deal with chilly feelings that make you feel cold all the time. Thought I would share the list with you in hopes that some of the suggestions can help you feel warmer in body and spirit. Eat Well- undereating causes metabolic rate to drop and leads to cold...
  5. D

    Finally I know what's wrong with me

    Hi I am new to all this but have had Fibro for many years but just didn't know it til it progressed badly. I have been seeing different doctors for different ailments for years with no answers. Gastro docs...ortho docs...mri's with spine docs....er with panic attacks where I thought I was...
  6. S

    Hello - new today

    Hello, I've just joined this site and I'm very excited about being able to talk to people who can empathise rather than sympathise. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia/CFS/Neuropathy in my legs from my feet to my hips and in my arms from my fingertips to my shoulders aprrox 6 - 7 years ago. I've...
  7. K

    Almost 10 Years Of Chronic Pain

    I am 28 years old and have had chronic pain for almost 10 years. It started with severe back pain right under the bottom of my right shoulder blade. Doctor after doctor just tell me they don't know what to tell me. I eventually just gave up on them. I've been to MD's, DO's, Chirpractors, Massage...
  8. J

    New - frustrated and depressed

    Hey everyone, I just found this site after searching for some information on fibromyalgia. My name is Jessica, I live in IL, I'm 30 married with 5 year old twins. I was diagnosed with fibro last year after lots of blood tests, scans and other tests. I also have Hashimoto's, migraines, Vitamin D...
  9. MEgersheim

    What Comes First? FMS or Depression?

    I'm curious. Those of you with depression and FMS, what came first? For me, I was depressed as a child, but was fine in my twenties. It wasn't until I started getting hard-core symptoms of FMS and lost my job that I became depressed. Also, how many of you have FMS and are not depressed?
  10. D

    new and frustrated

    Hello. I'm new here. I guess I'll start by saying I'm 30 but I feel 80 most of the time. I've had pain for years but over the last year it got progressively worse. My family and friends call me a hypochondriac because I always have something Wrong. For years I fought with myself thinking its all...