
  1. P

    Hi! From Canada!

    Hi everyone! I am 60 years old, was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in June of 2011, sent to a specialist who further diagnosed me with Fibro in Nov of that year. Prior to that my GP put me on Arthrotec, then Celebrex, sent me to a psychiatrist (pain specialist) & a neurologist, to no avail...
  2. 1sweed

    Improving Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    If you suffer from Irritable Bowel Syndrome, life can be spent running to the bathroom or sitting in the bathroom trying to go. Or a combination of both. When your at your wits end in trying to figure out the best way to handle the problem and nothing is working, I have provided a few tips to...
  3. twiztc

    feeling really sorry for myself

    Today for the very first time I had to leave work early because of my condition. I have had a particularly bad couple weeks but even so I can usually muddle through even when I feel like I can't. Today however was unbearable. I struggled through till lunchtime with the pain in my legs. My...
  4. T


    Hi. I'm new to this forum. I got my official "diagnosis" of Fibromyalgia today. Dr started me on Lyrica. I have struggled with migraines,depression, back and knee pain for 20 years. Gradually became all over pain. I am frustrated, confused, overwhelmed and hopeful about all of this. I am...
  5. G


    Hi everyone I recently had a nasty viral illness and found myself stuck in bed with a very sore chest/back and a high fever. That seemed to pass within a day or two, but shortly afterwards I had the onset of some very strange other symptoms. First I found that I had trouble grapping things with...
  6. G

    The Different Techniques Linked To Completing A Good Knee Ache Prognosis

    Do you think of knee soreness as your worst enemy? Most likely you ought to give yourself the right test if you are enduring. Loads of factors might be part of knee soreness and it can get more intense if it is not handled. Enduring this soreness might lead you to cease working and it might even...
  7. G

    In 2 months can't walk. Leg muscles atrophied. Fasiculations.

    Hi this is my first time on this forum... I would really appreciate if someone can help me out here. I do understand that i might not be in the right forum but i am very confused and in a bad situation.. I'm sorry in advance I'm 27 male About 3 months ago I had costochondritis. GP told me...
  8. G

    More pain and stiffness

    Hi, I've posted on here a few times before, but generally have tried to go about my life. I've been battling pain/stiffness/weakness for years and now it seems to have got worse. I had one doc allude to pls. Said I had cranial nerve damage. My neck always hurts when I turn it (95% of the...
  9. G


    Hello all. I haven't been on for awhile; hope everyone is having a good weekend! I've had a tough past 2 years and am becoming frustrated. If you could give me thoughts/experiences of same symptoms it would be appreciated. I'm 17. Great-great grandma, Great-grandma and my grandma all passed...
  10. G

    ripping good times....

    ...well cannot really call torn ligaments a good time but that is what has taken place in my right thumb from trying to open a jar of spehgetti sauce. I finally went to an orthopedic doc yesterday (yet another specialist to add to my list) and they put me in a fiberglass cast that goes up half...