
  1. M

    How does fibromyalgia develop, do I have it?

    I want to know if my symptoms sound like fibromyalgia? I can't think of anything else and my sister laughed at me because she thinks I'm too young to have it. Just a few months ago I started having random shooting pain all over my body. It's daily and it doesn't interfere with my life but can...
  2. R

    Knee pain

    Does anyone else have really terrible knee pain around this time of the year? Mine flares up when the temperature drops in late September/early October. It is nearly unbearable and causes me to avoid exercise. What are your coping strategies for knee pain?
  3. L

    Hi! I am new! :) <3

    Hi! I wanted to join your site as I have had Fibromyalgia since 1999. I was a Registered Nurse for 20 yrs & had to quit after the birth of my son 10 yrs ago. I loved my job I didn't want to but was physically suffering too much to take care of others & work 12 hr shifts. I spend a lot of time...
  4. F

    steroid shot helping all-over pain?

    Hello, I'm new to the forum, but not to fibro. I've been diagnosed for 5 years now. I just wanted to ask if anyone else has experienced this. Anytime I get a steroid shot for another issue (arthritis in knee or bursitis/rotator tear in shoulder, injections in neck), I find that the medicine...
  5. F

    new to group

    Hello, I wanted to introduce myself. I just found this site last night. I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia for 5 years, the summer I retired from teaching. Like most of you probably, I suffered for years before finally having all the pieces of the puzzle fall together. I can't even say...
  6. C

    Burned Out

    I guess burned out is the best way to put it not sure how else to. I have had chronic pain for 18 years since a knee injury when I was 15. I was lucky to be diagnosed just 6 months after the injury. I was away at boarding school and didn't really realize how much it would change my life. I had...
  7. N

    Do I really have this?

    Hello I am a 28 year old male and just a couple weeks ago I was diagnosed with Fibromayalgia by a Rhuematologist at UCLA. To summarize my situation: I hurt my shoulder at the gym 8 years ago. Nothing helped (Conservative treatment, Physical Therapy, Cortisone, Surgery). As time went on I went...
  8. C

    exhausted and in pain

    I am a new member. I am 41 and a mom to two young daughters. I am in constant pain. I was diagnosed with RSD after a knee surgery last year, and was hospitalized for a month, but prior to that, I had horrible neck and back pain, and hand pain that had been going on for a few years. When I...
  9. S

    Finding Balance

    I have a LOT going on: Diabetes, hypothyroidism, PCOS, arthritis & degenerative discs in L1-S1 (spine) and associated radiating sciatic pain and muscle weakness, fibromyalgia with associated sleep disfunction (can't sleep at night but can't stay awake during the day, I swear, it's starting to...
  10. B

    Is this Hypermobility or Fibromyalgia

    Don't know if anyone else has similar symptoms as my daughter. She has always had knee problems patella not sitting right and had spells of flu like illnesses all through secondary school. Also had for over two years on and off when she was younger what seemed like bladder infections but no...