
  1. S

    History of trouble... possibly leading to fibro?

    Hi everyone! I need help figuring this out, so I'm going to give you A LOT of details. Feel free to skim everything in order to read what's most helpful to you. The only diagnosis I have at this point in time are chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis (type is unknown, but ruled out rheumatoid...
  2. A

    Hello *waving energetically*

    I am Ali and I am new to this group and new to fibro. I have been suffering for years but it wasn't until one day last month when I woke up sobbing because I couldn't move and my whole body hurt that I made an appointment with my doctor. The Dr had diagnosed me last year with IBS but I was so...
  3. L

    I have Fibromyalgia

    Hello, I am new here, but I am here to tell you my story and continue to tell how I live with fibromyalgia and it's complications. To start with I need to tell you what fibromyalgia is, and that is easier said than done. Wikipedia defines fibromyalgia as: Fibromyalgia (FM or FMS) is...
  4. T


    Does anybody else deal with insomnia? I'm so tired of being tired! I'm also wore out and ready for bed but when it comes to going to sleep it feels like an impossible task to accomplish. I am almost always up until 2 or 3 AM sometimes even later and then I have to be up at 6:30 to get my girls...
  5. Z

    Medical Marijuana

    I live in a state where medical marijuana is legal. Has anyone tried this for the fibro insomnia and pain. I'm getting desperate for a good night sleep. Would be most curious to know what dosages...most interested in oral (mixed with food) intake versus smoking. Response would be appreciated...
  6. Z

    No Such Thing as a Typical Day with Fibro

    I start my day with frequent awakenings during the night/early morning hours, this is insomnia. I use this time to my advantage by making my lists of things to do, doing the household bookwork, paying bills, planning for the day ahead just in case I actually feel well enough to do things. 6:00...
  7. T

    Hello guys, I'm with FM & new to group. Hope to learn more from all of you.

    Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia slightly more than 10 yrs ago. Been fighting it since then. Had very bad pain, insomnia, bladder prblms etc (whatever the FM package has I suppose). Got better with exercise and eating healthy. (After wasting money in a lot of multi level marketing products)...
  8. C

    newbie- advice please

    Hi! I too new to this support group. So, here is my story. I was finally diagnosed this week after a year of seeing just about every specialist there is. For a long time I blamed tension and anxiety for my tense muscles and pain throughout my body. I also have Irritable Bowel Syndrome brought...
  9. L


    Hello, I'm new here. I have fm. I believe my mother had it as well although she was never diagnosed but she died when I was 18 of breast cancer. I can't work hardly at all. It's gotten real bad in the last year, probably because I've gained almost 80lbs. .....I think from taking...
  10. T

    pain medicine/ nonstop pain

    Hey everyone. Newbie here. I have had nonstop pain since last summer. I was tested for everything under the sun but nothing was found besides a brain defect, chiari malformation that led to syrinx in spine. Then i had pseudotumor and had to get a shunt put in head that drain excess fluid into...