
  1. J

    Overlapping conditions, so confusing

    I have recently started researching FM because after being diagnosed with it, I was never given information on it. I found a FM website that contained an overlapping conditions page. I have been diagnosed with 11 of the listed conditions. It's interesting to me how some of them tie in. I always...
  2. J

    A lot to learn- where do you start??

    Hi. I am so happy to have found this site! I was diagnoses with FM several years ago, but was not given ANY information whatsoever. So I try to learn as I go. I do not know anyone with FM, so this has been pretty much a solo journey. I have been inundated recently with so many physical symptoms...
  3. C

    Another Newbie

    I just wanted to say hello and thank you for allowing me to be here. There's a ton of information on this site and valuable tips. Still not sure what's wrong with me, but I do see some kind of doctor nearly weekly and still no answers. No explanation for my exhaustion, burning head, neck, and...
  4. H

    Newly Diagnosed - Don't know if I can deal with this level of pain!!!

    Hi I am newly diagnosed, and was told to go see "someone that specializes in Fibromyalgia". The medicine that they gave me has run out. I have no insurance and can not afford to pay out of pocket. Thanks for taking the time to read this and am hoping someone can provide me with information...
  5. T


    Sorry, I know this isn't a pleasant subject to talk about and some of you may feel uncomfortable sharing this information but I hope you will so I can get a better understanding of what is going on with me. Do any of you suffer from IBS and if so what are your symptoms? I feel sick at my...
  6. M

    Great book

    I'm not trying to sell anything here, well not for personal profit. Anyway I bought a book called Women Living with Fibromyalgia by Mari Skelly. I feel like I want to scream from the rooftops! It's not my imagination! It's real! And all you people that look at me with a lifted eyebrow!!! Please...
  7. N


    Hi, I'm Nicole. I was diagnosed on the 18th of July with Fibromyalgia, and have since been gathering up information and looking for support groups. I'm 21, and love table topping and LARPing. I'm so far optimistic about managing it, but information and support is always good.
  8. E

    When I sit it feels like my nerves are being compressed

    When I sit for a MINUTE OR TWO it feels like my nerves get compressed and the sensation in my buttocks and legs changes. I get the same feeling in my shoulder blades when I try to lie on my sides. This started several months ago. The neurologist checked me out but I haven't had a recent MRI yet...
  9. R

    My name is Rudy

    Hello everyone, My name is Rudy, I am a physics student from the Netherlands. My girlfriend was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in January 2015. She doesn't so much like to search for information or help on the web. That's where I come in. I joined this forum to learn something more about...
  10. V

    Bullet journaling to combat fibro fog

    Does anyone use bullet journaling? I am the type that I HAVE to write things down or I forget, even seconds later. I had been trying to keep a paper planner because the physical act of writing helps me remember, but I couldn't get the planner to conform to what I wanted and needed. I just...
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