
  1. N

    Terrible Doctor

    My name is Nicole and this is the first time I'm posting on here. I was diagnosed two days ago by a rhumetologist. My pcp has been an NP at a local clinic. The clinic serves Native Americans as well as low income families and because I've been unable to work for about a year due to chronic pain...
  2. D

    NEWBIE to the forum

    I hope that I'm posting this correctly. I've never joined a group like this, but my doctor is the one that said I should find a forum for support. I chose this group because I live in the Dayton area, and my doctor is from here. I thought that might be helpful. Let me introduce myself. I...
  3. vickythecat

    How to be a smart patient

    Hi, These past few weeks, with the acute serious illness of my mom, I was once again reminded of how important it is to be a smart patient. Before I start, I need to emphasize that I have full respect for doctors. This is not about 'dissing' them, or disregarding them. It is about the fact...
  4. Tipnatee N

    Kartom leaf anyone?

    While I was seaching for the benefits of coca leaf that can help fibro pains I also came across the information of Kartom leaf. According to wikipedia ( under the name Mitragyna speciosa) Kratom (also known as Mitragyna speciosa) is a tree from Indonesia whose leaves produce a psychoactive...
  5. S

    Looking for information on an old experimental treatment for Fibromyalgia / CFS

    I hope this is allowed here, I picked this forum vs the Alternative Treatment one for wider views in the hope I can get my questions answered. I'm 43 and I've had Fibromyalgia since I was around 15, in other words I've had it for so long that I remember when it was classified as a mental...
  6. Sagey

    Interesting article on mind body connection

    The first component of mind body science is a molecule found on the surface of all our cells in our brains and our bodies. They are so small that millions cover a single nerve cell. This first component is called a receptor, and it is attached to a cell’s outer membrane. It lies exposed to the...
  7. VanGogh

    Metaphors, stories, lessons, teachers....

    My brain sometimes feels like it wants to explode! I want to get the thoughts and information out " there " but like a Twilight Zone story I often can not find " there ". On one of those political talk shows, I recently heard someone say: " there is no there, there " and I rolled on the floor...
  8. Sagey

    Fibromyalgia blood test and vaccine development

    Hi, I was just searching the web and came upon info on a company named Epigenetics.They have developed a blood test for Fibromyalgia and according to them it is 93 percent effective. I looked up the news on this company and it seems the are doing a lot of clinical trials and trying to make...
  9. VanGogh

    New and searching for info....

    My massage therapist was the first to mention the possibility that Fibro may be what is causing my pain and tightness in my muscles. Ironically, I went to massage school some years ago and we were schooled a little about "WOMEN" with Fibro. One of the male instructors went so far to say that...
  10. H

    A Physician Who Gets It.

    I posted earlier a link to this article. I didn't realize that registration was needed to view the article. Here is the article. "Vancouver – “We have less power, pharmacologically, than we thought. The vast majority of people are getting adverse effects in return for nothing,” said Dr. Tom...