
  1. E

    Newby looking for help, advice and reassurance

    Hello, I am new to the forum and have already learnt I am not alone in suffering from this horrible Fibro thing. I have recently been diagnosed, started on medication and trying to come to terms with constant aches, pains, headaches and generally feeling pretty much totally exhausted. My G.P...
  2. L

    Is this Gabapentin side effect normal

    Hi! I'm in the process of being diagnosed, but I have not been to a specialist yet due to my lack of insurance. My doctor gave me info to help me get insurance so she can get me to a specialist (would this be a rheumatologist?) But has perscribed me some meds to help me feel better till then...
  3. D

    New Here

    Hello my name is Denise Ravary and i live in Ontario, Canada. I was diagnosed with fibro about 2 years ago. Right now i am waiting to be x-rayed for feet, hands, knees and spine with the Rheumy so i sure hope they will be ok. I am here looking for info, friendship and support. Thank you. Denise
  4. B


    Hello all my name is Bev and I live in the UK I have just had tests done and the specialist says all my trigger points suggest I have fibromyalgia I have never heard of this so wanted more info on this condition so here I am on the board.
  5. M

    Hello everyone

    Hi my name is Melanie and I have just joined your forum. I guess here is where we are should tell everything about ourselves ok here it goes. Every time I see my doctors it is a roller coaster of meds. I take so much medicine I think I own a pharmacy at my house with all the meds. I have tried...
  6. L

    There is HOPE for CFS/Fibromyalgia sufferers

    I am new to these type of group forums but it is nice to know there is somewhere to go where everyone understands what you are going through. I have always been a very active person my entire life. I am a personal trainer, have 3 busy and active kids and never have time to slow down. I was...
  7. S


    Hello and am newbie to site diagnosis in 2012 and trying to get as much info as can to help myself and others
  8. M

    Unexpected Diagnosis

    Hi. I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia on Friday by a Rhuematologist. I am 41 years old, married almost 20 years, and have 3 children ages 8-23. I was surprised by this diagnosis to say the least. I had heard of Fibromyalgia but not thought about it in regard to the way I was feeling...
  9. T

    Hello guys, I'm with FM & new to group. Hope to learn more from all of you.

    Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia slightly more than 10 yrs ago. Been fighting it since then. Had very bad pain, insomnia, bladder prblms etc (whatever the FM package has I suppose). Got better with exercise and eating healthy. (After wasting money in a lot of multi level marketing products)...
  10. T


    Hi! I am not officially diagnosed yet but most likely will be next week. The Rheumatologist wanted to run one more round of blood work to rule out auto immune disorder but he talked a lot about Fibro and sent me home with a list of legit websites to get more info so pretty sure he is...