
  1. R

    Cymbalta withdrawal horrors

    I was reading in another site, (people's pharmacy), about all the people having such trouble withdrawing from Cymbalta. From "brain zaps" to severe anxiety, vomiting, diarrhea, migraines and on and on. These symptoms can last months or a year or more. Most doctors don't even know about this as...
  2. J

    Can anyone explain Fibromyalgia to me?

    Hello everyone, I would like to know some info about Fibromyalgia. My mom has it and has had it since she was young and I am yet to understand fully what it is and what causes it. So can you people explain the following questions: What does it mean to have Fibromyalgia? Is it just chronic pain...
  3. M

    Hey Mates

    Hey every one me new here. Hope to spend good time here with new mates I am always interested in getting new skills and info about different things. :-P
  4. S

    Pain meds take awhile

    Hello everyone, I posted my newbie info already and now I don't know what to do. I came in to see him bc I had been dealing with intensifying neck/shoulder/knee/ect pain and migraines, which I never used to get. I had been trying NSAIDs with little improvement, except for my psoriatic arthritis...
  5. C


    Hello. I am newly diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I appreciate any info you all can give but especially knowing I have somewhere to go and am not alone. I have a question that is a bit personal. I'm still trying to figure out my symptoms. One particular area of pain is my pelvic (vaginal) area...
  6. M

    Sleep study tomorrow, what should I expect?

    My insurance finally approved my sleep study. I go tomorrow night. They didn't tell me a whole lot except to wash my hair but not to put conditioner in my hair:-? Which is funny because I have super thick super long hair that is going to be snarled mess if I don't use some conditioner, and to...
  7. M

    Trying to Get Answers!

    Hi All, I am 30 years old and have been dealing with CP, depression and several other symptoms for 10 years now. After coming across info on Fibromyalgia, I feel like I have found gold- something that identifies this group of vicious little monsters that taunt me every day. I am in NSW...
  8. L

    Vicodin Question

    So I'm one of those people that refuse to take pain medication, but I had a tooth pulled last week and they gave me Vicodin for the pain. I have been taking it for a few days as it really makes a difference in the pain in my mouth. I haven't, however, noticed much, if any, reduction in my...
  9. B

    Histamine & Fibromyalgia.

    Hi everyone. I've had fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue for about 17 years. My sister has chronic fatigue and sinus problems that debilitate her. We have found out that histamines in food can cause these symptoms. We have been on a low-histamine diet for a month and now have started taking an...
  10. twiztc

    could 2 illnesses actally be the same thing?

    do a wiki search on "Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome" (POTS) MY SISTER IS DIAGNOSE WITH THIS so me being the nosy bugger i am i did some research. several site have all the info but wiki is usually a pretty good go to all rounder. I was quite astounded. its like a carbon copy of...