
  1. S

    Unique Issue with Speech?

    Hello, first time posting here. Nice to meet you all. I was diagnosed with FM in 2013 but have had the symptoms since 2011. It's been a tough thing to come to terms with, but as the years have gone on I have become more and more accepting of it. Anyway, I'm not really here to share my story...
  2. vickythecat

    what is my purpose here, on this planet???

    Somehow, ever since I was a child, I felt like I must be here on this planet for a purpose. I could not stand injustice and unfairness. But right from my younger ages, I was imprisoned in my social anxiety. I was afraid of humans - child or adult. So I did not speak because I was not brave...
  3. B

    Hi, New Member Here

    Hi, this is my first time here. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia my junior year in college right before I turned 20 I think. I'd been experiencing pain since high school but since I was always a dancer I always attributed it to pushing too hard in dance or being sore from practice. It wasn't...
  4. ElsaMarie

    Craving sweets??

    Does anyone else here crave sweets to the point you think you will loose your mind if you don't get your hands on something gooey and sweet?? I try to not keep a lot of sweets in the house especially pastries. Ever once in a while I get a craving so bad I put some peanut butter in a small bowl...
  5. D


    HI everyone, Over the years as my fibro has got worse to the point i now struggle with walking more than a few minutes and doing house chores is a major task that i can only achieve in short bursts..... I notice i have gradually become more and more nervous about things that would never have...
  6. T

    Tomorrow's the day

    Hi all, As most of you know my hearing before the ALJ is in the morning. I am super excited because I am so ready to get it behind me. The only thing that is troubling me is what I had mentioned in another post about my attorney. He never called my witness, he was supposed to call me every...
  7. E

    Vitamin D deficiency and chronic pain

    Hi everyone, This isn't actually about a cure or treatment for Fibro but none the less needs to be read by us Fibro persons. This could be the answer to your prayers or at least some of them in many ways! Hi, my name is Ellen and I am a chronic pain suffer. I was diagnosed in 2001 with...
  8. T

    Stress Test

    So I had my stress test yesterday and I can say in all honesty that I did not enjoy it. I wasn't able to walk on the treadmill so they had me lay on a table, inserted an IV into the back of my hand which took them 8 tries before they finally got it in. Also they made me lay on my left side...
  9. L

    Newbie to FM Forums

    Hello!! I was diagnosed with Fibro, CFS and CPS as well as carpal tunnel syndrome. I'm new and have so many questions and ideas... And well it's just good to vent when no one understands. On top of my physical illnesses, I'm also diagnosed as bipolar, anxiety disorder, SAD, panic attacks and...
  10. H

    Diagnosed Yesterday

    I was diagnosed with FM yesterday by a rheumatologist. This was after months of testing by my GP for the extreme fatigue and brain fog. I chalked the pain up to 'overdoing it' because everything started in April, when I began doing more outside yard work. A friend asked if I had considered the...
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