
  1. F

    Too many meds ...

    I am sooooo FRUSTRATED I just want to scream from the roof tops. I WANT OUT FROM UNDER ALL THIS CRAP! I am so sick and tired of being sick and tired and I know every person on here understands what I am saying. (She says with tears streaming down her face.) None of these meds work and they...
  2. L

    There is HOPE for CFS/Fibromyalgia sufferers

    I am new to these type of group forums but it is nice to know there is somewhere to go where everyone understands what you are going through. I have always been a very active person my entire life. I am a personal trainer, have 3 busy and active kids and never have time to slow down. I was...
  3. Trellum

    Shoes! Damn shoes!

    Sorry about that title, lol! It's just I feel so frustrated... Yesterday I went to buy new shoes for winter, a pair of really flirty and nice shoes, I thought I had found the right ones... I tried them on and everything was well. But after a while of walking in them I started to feel some...
  4. Trellum

    My feet!

    I've a serious problem with my feet, but it's hard to notice because I don't walk a lot. I've noticed not only my heels hurt if I stand up for too long, but also the frontal part of the sole. I don't know how normal is this, it happens more often with some shoes than with others. Is someone...
  5. M

    Anxiety medications

    Hi guys, I’m a little intolerant (ok, a lot) to traditional fibro meds, namely Cymbalta and Lyrica, but I did notice that while on Cymbalta, my mood seemed to be a little better. I’m a naturally anxious person, which is aggravated by my fibro, so I was wondering if any of you have taken...
  6. B

    Savella and SNRI side effects/withdrawal symptoms

    Hi everyone, For those of you with experience with savella and Effexor, I'm hoping you can provide some insight. I was on Effexor for about 8 weeks. It took me about 2 weeks to get past the nausea, but I had headaches every day I was on the drug. It wasn't terrible, but enough to make me...
  7. R

    Does cardio help with your fatigue?

    I really thought that working out would make me more tired at night, but it's actually helped boost my energy. It especially helps if I workout in the morning, even though it's a lot more painful and tiring to do so when I'm actually in the middle of the workout. When it's all done and over with...
  8. F

    Meds = Violently ill, anyone else?

    I cannot take any kind of pain meds without becoming violently ill. (vomiting) I have tried taking Fenergan with them. No luck. On top of my FMS pain, I have Teitze Syndrome right now, which is basically the cartilage in my chest wall is inflammed. Everytime I move it feels like someone is...
  9. cinderr

    Can a Better Diet Improve Our Condition?

    I am wondering if there is any proof that a diet of one sort or another--raisin diet? holisitic diet? chocolate milk diet? can help our condition. Do you notice any change either in your diet or in your condition as the result of your diet? Does any food make you feel better? Does any food make...
  10. cinderr

    Does Stress Increase Pain for You?

    If I have stress, I can feel it in my hips immediately! It hurts so incredibly bad when I am stressed out! With a teenager in the house, there is stress! If he only didn't feel he knew everything!:twisted: What I try to do NOW is let him muddle through and figure things out for himself. In the...
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