
  1. M

    ANA test high

    I'll be tested for Lupus. I had side effects of lupus, hair loss, skin rashes, pain in joints, ibs, inflammation. And more. Thankfully I found a Nurse Practicioner who knows her stuff. Although it's scarry, it's best caught early. I think I've had it for a while over 15 yrs. Hopefully there's...
  2. E

    Things I'm going to do when I'm better

    When I'm better I'm going to: Clean my house so it looks and smells clean Get recertification in scuba Go skiing Cook from scratch again Fix my hair! Go to a live event (concert, fair, stergis, exc) Go camping (at the Marriott Hawaii) Harley ride...
  3. C

    Hair loss: cicatricial alopecia and fibromyalgia

    I wanted to add this comment Oman older thread about hair loss and it was closed.. I was diagnosed with cicatricial alopecia ( aka scarring alopecia) 3 years ago no was diagnosed with fibro a few months ago. Since then I became involved in CARF , an organization that helps fund research and...
  4. M


    The possibility of Lupis hangs in the horizon. My last blood work came back with a high ANA. Which like fibro presents itself as a auto immune disease. There's no cure, but...if caught early enough can help the Medical community decide what meds to use. I've been on a Marithon, google...
  5. B

    Today...this is how I feel!

    So this is how i feel. I had a bad sleep and the day is not starting off good. I am very tired and very cold. I have a terrible headache. I can't think properly and can't remember and can't think about too much at once of what i have to do or it gets me upset. My whole body hurts. My hair...
  6. V

    Signs? Runs in family. Please help.

    Hey everyone. So my grandmother had fibro and I think my mother may as well. I've been researching some symptoms of fibro and have found a lot that march what I've been dealing with for 8 years, but doctors don't want to listen to me. I have widespread pain across my whole body, I have...
  7. H

    Pain While Sleeping

    Hi all. New here and want to share how I got this condition and ask a few questions. I was dealt a severe emotional blow about 6 y ago and after that my hair started falling out and the stress did something to my body. A few years later, I moved into an apartment with huge mold colonies inside...
  8. B

    No Sleep Need Help

    Hi All I'm new to this. But I'm asking for help. I haven't slept in 3 days cuz I have hurt so bad. I lay one side that hip hurts, I roll over nope can't do it that hurts. Well I will lay on my back guess back is killing me. I have taken my pain medicine. But my flare up these last 3...
  9. J

    No Dx yet - list of symptoms.

    This is my first post. Woohoo! ;) I have Crohns disease & since my last surgery 2 yrs ago I've been going downhill. It was a long recovery of 6 wks and then I got bronchitis. Since then I have daily aches, exhaustion, recently started migraines with aura, stiff neck, sore neck, and hip pain. My...
  10. D

    Did my doctor really just say that?

    So I just moved to a new location which meant that I had to find a whole new set of doctors and it has been painful, a different kind of pain from the flu-like achy all over electric nerves on fire whole body pain. This is more the - want to pull my hair out, scream, be belligerent but biting my...