
  1. L

    Just diagnosed

    Hello all. Glad to find this forum. I was just diagnosed July 13 after 3 plus years and 2 rheumotologists. Long story short, I started having pain all over. Holding my son's hand was painful. I joined a fitness boot camp and had to stop since the pain and fatigue was so bad. I thought I...
  2. D

    New to Forum and Diagnosis

    Hi! I actually joined the forum over a month ago. I thought it was about time to say hi and thank everyone for the posts and info I have gotten from here. It is so much better to hear it from people that are experiencing it. Some of my symptoms have been brushed over because they didn't...
  3. Tipnatee N

    Hypohidrosis ( absent sweating) in fibromyalgia

    One of my symptom in fibro is hypohidrosis , I really can't sweat at all normally. The only time I sweat is during my night sweat caused by sleep anxiety and sleep disturbance. Or just a feeling of sweating because my hair pores are being force opening to release heat on top of my head while...
  4. vickythecat

    let's list our embarrassing complaints

    Hi, I thought maybe it is time for us all to share our embarrassing complaints, mostly to know that we often actually all suffer from the same. It can be fibro-related or not, more or less embarrassing/serious, but let me start off with my list; - vaginal flatulence - I don't know why I suffer...
  5. Tipnatee N

    Aspirins bath

    My most best relaxation discovery I've found for me who's living with main symptoms of fibromyalgia and panic disorder ( and all the other symptoms) thank to lots of home relaxation treatment on YouTube research while I was bored cause I couldn't move much for many days do to pains. Basically...
  6. A

    Hi, I am new

    Hi I am new to this forum and I am really glad that I found this forum. I have some questions about FM. I am 25 y/o male. I had stressful life since my childhood and I remember that headache started when I was 8 or 9.I just want to give some symptoms of my health and ask for your help and...
  7. vickythecat

    How can you describe your fatigue?

    Hi, I am not very good at words that explain certain physical feelings. The word fatigue is one of them. It simply confuses me. Is it supposed to be the same as 'exhaustion', for example? I often hear people take a nap when they are exhausted or are fatigued. But with me, when I am exhausted...
  8. T

    Hair loss

    I think this subject has been talked about before but I can't find it. Does anyone else suffer from hair loss? Every time I take a shower and comb my hair out I will find big clumps of hair in the comb. Do you think it's the condition that causes it or is it the stress of the having the...
  9. T


    Again, I know this isn't the forum for this type of thing but I need to vent and it does play into my health problems. I won't go into all the details because I would have to write a novel. The gist of it is this. Several years ago my brother in law (my husbands brother) got into a fight with...
  10. T


    Has anybody on this site had to go before an ALJ. If so did you make an attempt to do your hair and makeup (if you are female) or did you just roll out of bed, throw on some clothes and go to your hearing. On days where I don't have anywhere to go I don't even bother getting out of my pajamas...