
  1. E

    Frustrated, sad, and kind of overwhelmed.

    Yesterday I made dinner for my mother as a belated Mother's Day present. I went to the grocery store, prepared a meal, and that was my whole day. And it wrecked me. Being on my feet long enough to chop some veggies, put pork chops in the oven, and purchase the groceries to do so. It felt...
  2. C

    MS or fibro?

    Hi everyone, I have been diagnosed with Fibro about a year ago and have a history of anxiety, and depression. I have had weird symptoms my whole life and now I feel debilitated. I used to be a weight lifter/fitness enthusiast who always worked out. Now I can hardly get to the store. I am...
  3. Lana

    Can you describe your pain?

    My pain makes my legs feel heavy and tired. I have difficulty walking, and unsteady on my feet. The pain varies it can be sharp, or like being in a vice like something is squeezing me. It can last for a few minutes or hours and even days, if its really bad it can last weeks. The only way I can...
  4. T

    Multiple auto immune flare-up cycle

    Do you ever feel like you are stuck in a vicious cycle? I have mentioned in multiple posts that I suffer from various illnesses. I have Fybro, chronic pain, chronic fatigue, colitis, IBS, ongoing headaches that last weeks, migraines, insomnia, feet numbness and pain, and degenerative back and...
  5. Lana


    Hello Fibro Friends, Does anyone having cracking sounds when walking? I get it in my hips, knees and feet.
  6. M

    Hurts to move, hurts to not move...

    Ugh today is a very bad day. I have pain in my shoulders, that's my primary source of pain and neck, elbows, knees, thighs, feet and wrist just that basic run over by a truck feeling except this time the truck ran over me and then decided to back up and run over me again.:mad: I called the...
  7. J

    Does Fibromyalgia Worsen Over Time?

    I'm new to this, I was just diagnosed this week. Right now my pain is usually not severe enough to have a huge impact on my daily activities (other than making them downright unpleasant). I work with animals and I'm on my feet all day, lifting, etc, and my boss is one of those people who doesn't...
  8. J

    Just Diagnosed With Fibromyalgia

    Hey everyone, I'm new to this group, I was just diagnosed with Fibromyalgia yesterday. I guess I kind of got lucky that it didn't take too long to diagnose because I'd already had a ton of blood tests, scans and specialist visits for fatigue and GI problems that started a year ago (which ended...
  9. C

    "Must lie down now" but can't. Ideas?

    At the same time each day at work, I get an overwhelming urge to lie down. It feels like there's no blood getting to my head, like I'm going to pass out, I start getting a horrible headache. I feel shaky and can't think a coherent thought to save my life. This feeling gets worse and worse until...
  10. H

    Tired & Frustrated

    Hi, I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia last November 2013. I had cancer surgery in October 2012. Prior to the cancer, I was pretty active. Since my surgery, I have never "bounced" back. That's when all of the doctor's visits, and testing came. They tested for everything, and then decided I...