
  1. J


    I was diagnosed with fb in June of 2014. I have suffered with daily headaches and 2 to 3 migraines weekly for 14 years. I have had abodomen pain off and on for about 40 years thinking that its my appendix but it always went away. Couple of years ago I started having sinus allergies. I have had...
  2. M

    How do I properly get tested/diagnosed with fibromyalgia?

    Hello, I am new here and have a few questions. I have suspected for a while that fibromyalgia might be my problem. I always had a pain problem, since I was a little girl. All the doctors my mother brought me to see says it was due to my weight. I was a heavy child, tipping the scale at...
  3. F

    Does it get better-Been a long haul

    I am a 43 yo male who has been sick for about 5 years,my symptom range from headaches near the back of my skull it then runs down my neck[ some days my neck feels swollen these days my arms hurt badly} it radiates down my left arm with muscle spasms and cramps,my right arm it runs all the way...
  4. trayne91

    Hmm... Anyone else find this interesting.

    So, I had my MRI done Monday. I get a call that says nothing in the MRI has to do with any of my symptoms. I ask what it said (she's mailing me a copy so I may know more later). She said, "Solitary subtle nonspecific focus of increased FLAIR signal intensity within the right parietal white...
  5. J

    Feel Disregarded by my Neurologist

    First, hello! My name is Jen, and I have been in the precess of getting diagnosed with some sort of Neurological disorder for about 6 months now. My Neurologist continuously tells me "I think it is Fibromyalgia" every time I see him. He has done this since the first day I saw him with my...
  6. B

    Divorced, Fatigued, and Working Full-Time

    Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum. I'm looking for friends that are facing the same challenges I currently am. I could really use some emotional support & encouragement. I have fibromyalgia which, of course, has been flaring up on & off due to the breakup of my 14 year marriage to my best...
  7. Lellobeetle

    Tender feet in AM?

    Anyone have this problem? In the morning when my feet hit the floor, the bottoms of my feet hurt quite a lot. Just a strange side thing or possibly part of the overall FM constellation?
  8. A

    Do you get fluid retention?

    During the recent hot spell I have noticed that my feet tend to be swollen when I wake up in the morning. Usually, after walking around for a while, and drinking a few cups of water, the problem tends to subside. Do any of you suffer from fluid retention, and how do you deal with it?
  9. C


    just diagnosed but have probably had for at least 30yrs. but had gotten to the point where i couldn't stand up from sitting and walk, go up and down stairs,felt like my feet were going to break in half with every step and couldn't sleep. thought i was going to loose my mind.
  10. T

    Have an interview for a much less stressful job but can I do it?

    I am home from work again. Today it's a colitis flare-up, fatigue and headache. I had put in my name on a job that sounded like it would be kind of fun and would be at a new agency. I think I'm ready to leave. Some other circumstances have made it very painful for me to work there. I am a...