
  1. 1

    New Health Insurance & New Doctor

    Starting over again , can't seem to communicate with this young woman doctor, talking to her about Fibro,she suggested for pain massage and swimming and Tramadol, I already exercise all day every day, the Tramadol does not work for me..she did put me on Norco also does not work for me..wants...
  2. T

    New to Fibro

    About a year and a half ago I got strep throat which for the first time in my life I had to spend a week in bed. Never heard of before with me. Got through it and a week or so later got this pain in my right side. A piercing pain that got worse. My Dr. gave me a pain killer that didn't do much...
  3. D

    My Letter to Fibro

    Dear Fibro, You came into my life unexpectedly, unannounced, and have set up camp indefinitely without my approval. I didn’t even know something like you existed, that I could ever share my life permanently, so early on with something so mysterious and uncurable. You took away my job, stunted...
  4. Zolisindigo

    Morning stiffness:what I do to avoid it

    Be sure to get ample deep sleep so your body can repair and recharge,be sure to sleep either on your side or on your back, as stomach sleeping causes unnecessary stress on the low back and spine. If your room is drafty, seal the windows or door. If it is cold, try a space heater or use extra...
  5. C

    how to help a family member with fibromyalgia

    I have found that there are many family members that come to this site looking to find ways to help their family member cope with fibromyalgia. Below you will find some suggestions that will help you. Please try them and come back to our forum and tell use how it helped you and the member of...
  6. junebug

    Can't exercise!

    I know I know! The best thing to do is push past the pain and just get out there and do ANYthing low impact and active. However, I walk regularly everywhere, and I'm on my feet 6 hours a day at work, and I just can't exercise more than that? I straight up can't be more active than I am right...
  7. L

    I feel like weight gain from FM is ruining my life...

    Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum and new to FM. I'm 33 and was diagnosed in April after a 6-month long Epstein Barr virus infection. I gained more than 30 pounds in that time. I am now taking Plaquenil and Elavil for the pain, and phentermine to help me lose weight. My pain is improving and I...
  8. V

    Newbie to the forum but not Fibro

    Hello everyone. I have had Fibromyalgia and Raynaud's for about 10 years. I have had Endometriosis for about 20 years, and I have had Migraine headaches for about 25 years. I have some other autoimmune issues as well, but I will spare everyone my full laundry list now. As I continue to meet and...
  9. C

    New and wanting to connect

    I have had symptoms such as a dull aching in my body, especially my arms for years. also fatigue. Finally one doctor diagnosed it as Firbromyalgia. Have been taking Cymbalta since January but I think it has been making me more tired and I noticed I have been sleeping longer. I also think it has...
  10. R

    Please help me - my life is ruined - partial success

    Hi All, I have been suffering from : 1) relentless headaches 2) sleep disorders 3) burning eyes 4) fatigues 5) low energy 6) excessive dryness throughout body specially hair since I was 13, today as I write I am 32 and nearly 20 years later I realize that something is terribly wrong with...