
  1. M

    Been there done that!

    Hi All, This forum stuff is super new to me so, here it goes! I'm a 32 year old female with Fibro, Major Depression, Anxiety, back problems, and at times substance abuse (I still love my wine :razz:) Fibro has been for the past 4 years or so, but it have progressively gotten worse. I'll try...
  2. N

    Just married, fibro ALREADY causing problems...

    Hello everybody! I am brand new to this forum, in fact this is my first post. I am a 29 year old female diagnosed with fibromyalgia, scoliosis, shoulder nerve impingement and mayofascial pain syndrome from a car accident a few years back. I was diagnosed (finally!) in late 2011 after years of...
  3. W

    He is still upset

    He is still upset with me, what am I suppose to say or do? I am very upset and I wish he could just understand. He comes home from work, no kiss or hug, and his energy is terrible. I feel very bad;( and now I feel depressed, i just don't know what to do. Thought he would be happy the...
  4. A

    New to the boards, not FMS

    Hi, just wanted to introduce myself! I've had fibromyalgia for several years, but was diagnosed in 2009. I'm 26, and sometimes it's so hard seeing how much energy other people my age have and how much they can accomplish. Coming here for support, advice, and probably to complain a little :-)
  5. D

    Vicodin and Fatigue

    Has anyone taken Vicodin and noticed a dramatic decrease in their fatigue? I took it because I was having a very bad arthritis flare up and noticed that I had so much energy! I also noticed this energy when I took my vicodin after surgery, as well. I talked to my rheumatologist and she told me...
  6. K

    New here.. not new to Fibro

    Hi folks. I am a 50 year old woman who was diagnosed with Fibro almost 2 years ago. I found the site in my search for relief. It all began in 2011 when I could no longer wake up or stay awake and I started having severe muscle fatigue. I started with my family doctor. He tested me to every...
  7. L

    Finally diagnosed

    Well, let's start from the beginning of my story and see what everyone thinks. I'm 22 years old. I guess looking back on it, I've had signs of this for awhile but it didn't become such a debilitating problem until a few month ago. At this time I was walking over an hour to work at a call...
  8. 1sweed

    A New Mountain To Climb

    Somedays, just feel like I have been climbing a mountain of chores and stress and I am all out of energy and short of breath. Then seemly a day begins like I will have the whole day to myself to catch my breath and relax, that is until the phone rings and others pile on more stuff for me to do...
  9. N

    Long Overdue "Hello"

    Hello Everybody! I know, I know... I should have registered with this forum long ago, as I was diagnosed with Fibro and CFS in 1994. I have long thought of joining a good fibro forum, but my struggles with my symptoms, particularly gut problems, joint pain, and fatigue, have eaten up most of...
  10. M

    thoughts ?

    Hi all, So glad to have support. I have been reading and I am thankful for this forum. I've been feeling crappy for roughly two years. It first came in the form of major digestion issues - I'd burp all the time and got no relief... just burp, burp, burp. I had seen many docs with regard to...