
  1. L

    There is HOPE for CFS/Fibromyalgia sufferers

    I am new to these type of group forums but it is nice to know there is somewhere to go where everyone understands what you are going through. I have always been a very active person my entire life. I am a personal trainer, have 3 busy and active kids and never have time to slow down. I was...
  2. M


    Hi my name is Michelle Brown I am new to this forum. I myself have been dealing with fibromyalgia many years. Till recently I was introduced to a product that has changed my life. It is a product line called Kyani. When my friend invited me to a presentation for this product i was must admit i...
  3. M

    I'm new

    Hi, I'm Peg and I was diagnosed several years ago. I also have diabetes related neuropathy, sleep apnea, psoriasis, and arthritis. I am a widow (lost my husband of 34 years last January to cancer) and I live with my 23 year old son who has high functioning autism. So you can imagine that my life...
  4. S

    Car accident and fibromyalgia

    Hi, this might be a little long but i was hoping to get some opinions from those who have been through the diagnosis of fibro. A little medical background: I have always been an active, healthy person and grew up going to the gym with my family. In college, I am 24 and married now, I was...
  5. H


    I tried Cymbalta at the lowest dose and after 30 daysI was suicidal and could barely get off the couch. All of my muscle aches and pains were gone. My Psychiatrist had me stop taking the pills safely before my next Rheuemotology appointment.When I went to this appointmentmy Md agreed with the...
  6. R

    Does cardio help with your fatigue?

    I really thought that working out would make me more tired at night, but it's actually helped boost my energy. It especially helps if I workout in the morning, even though it's a lot more painful and tiring to do so when I'm actually in the middle of the workout. When it's all done and over with...
  7. Trellum

    Low carb diet anyone?

    I was wondering if any of you had tried a low carb diet, I heard it can really make you feel a bit more energized. I'm starting to investigate more and more on this topic, mostly because I really want to control my sugar levels naturally (they were really high some months ago). Having more...
  8. Trellum

    How do you deal with frustration?

    Helo everyone! Sometimes it's really hard for me to deal with the frustration I feel, specially when I see women who are even older than I am (I'm 26) and are/look way healthier than me. I don't mean to sound envious or anything, but sometimes it's hard for me to fake a grin when I meet some...
  9. K

    Do vitamins help you

    Are there any particular vitamins that help you? I have a friend who sees these Vitamin packs she gets from GNC really help. They do not help her with pain. However, she says they do help her to have some energy and to feel less fatigued.
  10. K

    Beginning the Disability Process with SSD

    Hi All Like many of you, I have FM/CFS and was diagnosed over 10 years ago. Similar symptoms that appear to be getting worse, most recently, hand pain making everything difficult. After leaving many jobs when I got too sick to work and then finding less demanding jobs and starting over, I...