
  1. H

    Evening nap makes me feel almost cured

    The closest I ever get to a temporary solution is after a nap in the late afternoon/evening. Even better if after a long walk. When I awake my energy levels are at the highest they ever are, pretty much at pre-CFS levels, albeit usually only for bout 20 minutes. After a long sleep I don't get...
  2. T

    Romance novels

    I don't know if anyone has enough energy to read novels, but if you do, I need advice. Would you buy and read a romance novel with a hero who is in a wheelchair because of chronic pain. He is amazing despite the chair. It is set in Mount Clemens, MI in 1897 when people came from all over the...
  3. Ryan88


    Hey my name is Ryan, I am 25. I started having "fibro-like" symptoms about 5 years ago that have been progressively getting worse. It began with trouble sleeping. I just stopped being able to get comfortable. After about 5 minutes of laying still the entire area of my body that is touching the...
  4. Quando62


    Good Morning, just want to share what is working for my Fibro and depression and energy. Tramadol for 2 years has given me back a life.
  5. K

    Almost 10 Years Of Chronic Pain

    I am 28 years old and have had chronic pain for almost 10 years. It started with severe back pain right under the bottom of my right shoulder blade. Doctor after doctor just tell me they don't know what to tell me. I eventually just gave up on them. I've been to MD's, DO's, Chirpractors, Massage...
  6. G

    newly diagnosed :-(

    Hi everyone this is my first time on a forum. I was just diagnosed 3 days ago by rheumatologist as having fibromyalgia. I am struggling to accept this. At first i was relieved to have a diagnosis after suffering a long time with pain stiffness lack of sleep no energy and bladder and bowel...
  7. S

    Help! Something is very wrong..I think fibro but not sure.

    Hi all, I have not been diagnosed with fibromyalgia (yet) as my doctors think I'm a total hypochondriac by now. I would love to hear what you all with fibromyalgia think of my symptoms.. For the past few years I've been thinking there were several different things wrong with me but now I'm...
  8. H

    Why are we still in the dark?

    There are lots of theories out there about FMS/CFS. It's a thyroid problem, it's a digestive problem, candida, it's an autoimmune problem, etc. But not enough research is being done to get to the bottom of it. The reason for that is twofold, in my opinion. 1. Fibromialgia and chronic fatigue...
  9. S

    New and anxious

    Hi everyone. I have not yet been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, but I'm seeing a GP in two days after letting my symptoms get worse and worse the past few months. I've struggled with fatigue, depression, and endometriosis for as long as I can remember (I'm 25), and I started developing problems...
  10. F

    Is it fibro

    Hi, I am so glad I found this site, I had a car accident two years ago, I was stationary and was hit from behind by a 4x4, then pushed forward into the car in front of me. I woke up in the car with my eyes rolling round in my head, I tried to move and had bad neck and back pain, BTW the driver...