
  1. J

    Pretty day outside/so why am I not out there?

    It's a gorgeous day outside and I so LOVE to be outside enjoying the spring weather...but NO, I'm laying in bed watching television because I'm SO tired...Now I've been getting lots of good sleep lately but this fibro flare is kicking my butt! I've helped a neighbor two mornings in a row with...
  2. R

    New to the title but not the pain

    In the beginning, (6years or so ago), was Graves disease which nearly killed me before I killed it, (radioactive iodine). And, as in the program HEE HAW, they used to sing, "Deep dark depression, excessive misery." It took 4 docs and 3 years to get it regulated. And it was the worst pain by far...
  3. Z

    Golden Sea Cumber helps fibromyalgia ?

    Hello ! I am 60 years old. I am new to this forum, but unfortunately not new to fibro. I `ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 9-10 years ago, but was experiencing all those symptoms for many years before that . I was having pain in the muscles of my legs and arms. Then I start having pain...
  4. S

    Why do I feel so bad all the time? Could I have fibro?

    Hi all. I am new here and basically looking for a sounding board. I don't know what to ask/tell my doctors, or what kind of doctor I should possibly be seeing so I guess I'm looking for guidance in those areas. I really feel like there is possibly something wrong with my health. I cringe...
  5. S


    My acupuncturist suggested I take a low dose of creatine to improve my ATB, which is supposed to increase energy. He said creatine is used by body builders to build muscle mass, as it helps muscles absorb water, but this has risk. He said a low dose shouldn't pose much risk. Has anyone tried...
  6. T

    This illness is such a tease....Urgh!

    I had my first, and I mean first in a very long time, pain-free energetic day on Saturday. It was wonderful. I rode our horse (just walked her around for half hour or so, nothing hard-core), brushed her down, spent time outside. It was my mom's birthday so we went to dinner and hung out at...
  7. G

    I am no longer myself....

    Was diagnosed in October of 2013. I was always full of energy and on the go. I was able to jump out of bed as soon as the alarm went off. Now I hate going to bed at night because I know it will be just another battle to get up in the morning. I had always been able to tolerate pain, but this...
  8. T

    Do Not Judge

    You come to my house and I am still in my pjs and my house is not clean/tidy, you think what a lazy slob. Unless you have FM you have no idea why so do not judge. Do you know how much effort it takes to get showered and dressed when you have barely enough energy to get out of bed? Do you...
  9. F

    Gluten and the staff of life

    It’s doubtful that the biblical staff of life exists any longer. In the 1960s and 70s, genetic engineering transformed wheat and other grains into poorly nutritional but more profitable products. Engineered grains have challenged physiology and general health. The culprit appears to be glutens...
  10. Raven

    Feeling better but confused

    The neurologist that I have been seeing finally got most of the worst symptoms under control so that it is easier to work. He put me on modafinil and gabapentin and I feel better than I have for years. Although I feel better, I don't seem to have any more energy. I didn't get any extra spoons...