
  1. J

    Lost but back again

    I was on this site fairly often when I first started dealing with having Fibro but then I stopped because I thought I had a handle on the issue. After seeing a PCP, back specialist, sports medicine doc, rheumatologist, 3 psychiatrists, 2 pain management specialists, orthopedists, podiatrist...
  2. S

    28 y/o Fe with Fibro and Sjogrens

    Hello everyone! It's been about a year now since my diagnoses. I am very thankful that I no longer feel that I'm on death's doorstep. I came from being in very bad shape, very depressed, frustrated, and just about worthless. I was unable to work and living off of savings while I frantically...
  3. L

    New Painer Person..

    Hi to y'all. New to this forum...not to the Fibro. It's been a long time since I've been in a support group. Most of some of those groups are long gone. I woke up up this morning with incredible chills and a pain level so high I thought I'm gonna be in bed all day but when the meds started...
  4. MercyL


    I finally found a great pain specialist after dealing with Kaiser primary care physicians. The pain specialist deals with his own chronic pain, so he can identify with his patients. My PCP's (primary care physicians) at Kaiser didn't really care about my situation. They were disrespectful. When...
  5. V

    New here. Please tell me I am not crazy

    Almost three years ago i was diagnosed with fibro and sent to a neurologist and psychiatrist. The psychiatrist put my on lexapeo and cymbalta. He said he couldnt do more until they got the pain under control. Three months ago the neurologist said he couldn't do any thing more for me and sent me...
  6. A

    If I could cope with the pain, I could cope

    Hi All, I am new to this forum and fairly new to Fibro too...although in hindsight I have been sufferiing for years - thought I was going mad at one stage, but now I am pleased to know what all my strange symptoms are, but I'm not pleased I have Fibro...anyway... I really struggle with the...
  7. S

    New Member Researching For Answers

    Hello Everyone, My name is Dan and I've been looking for answers for about 6 years now as to what is going on with my body. I've been to the Mayo Clinic and countless Doctors and Pain Management Specialists with no no real answers. It started with low back pain and then spread to my...
  8. 1sweed

    No Depression, But Filled With Hope

    Signs of Hope and enjoyment in your life, These signs of hope are from the mayo clinic. Most of us have some signs of hope and some of depression. If you are more on the depressive side consider seeking help. And also try to remain hopeful that things will and can get better. SIGNS OF HOPE...
  9. I

    Financial problems

    I recently joined this site and have been looking around at the different posts. I am in such a financial strain at the moment. I have not been able to work in nearly 2 years, have gone through all my savings and have had to resort to asking family members for help. I know the stress of all...
  10. G

    What to take for fatigue

    Sorry, folks, to re-visit this topic. When i was first diagnosed I read a thread about medications being taken for fatigue/tiredness. One of the medications a few of you were taking was something that either MS or Parkinson's patients took but it helped some of you. I searched 'energy' and...