Made it through surgeey but OMG


Active member
Apr 15, 2018
I'm in severe pain. I had.rotator cuff surgery.on 1/23/24 also done some work on my bicep removed a bone spur and calcification in my shoulder.
It's been extremely sore. I was given hydrocodone 10 MG and it wasn't working so they told me to take 20mg for 24 hours made me sick to my stomach. The surgeon called in percocet 5mg. It's not helping either.
I tool a shower with help and moved my arm just a little and it made things so much worse.
I know in a few days my pain level should drop off more hopefully. If not I have to see the surgeon sooner to figure out why I'm in unbearable pain.
Word of advice, don't do this surgery unless you have a high pain tolerance or a last option.
It's been a living hell
I’m so sorry you are struggling… I’m 5 weeks out from knee replacement surgery (I’m only 45 years old) and I agree with you… I wouldn’t do it again! My pain has been unbearable! Nothing helped for the first 10 days, then once I started real physical therapy, I went into a full Fibromyalgia Flare Up!
I’m so sorry you are struggling… I’m 5 weeks out from knee replacement surgery (I’m only 45 years old) and I agree with you… I wouldn’t do it again! My pain has been unbearable! Nothing helped for the first 10 days, then once I started real physical therapy, I went into a full Fibromyalgia Flare Up!
I'm 47 and I agree Pain meds are of no help,ice has been the only thing to help relive it some. I had 2 major things done. Rotator cuff teat fixed and bicep repair then some clean out work. I started physical therapy but it's very light and only 1 time a week per doctor's order. I won't go more then 2x a week at the best. It's rough but the pain has been easing up some finally but I can feel where they drilled into my shoulder to put in anchors. That's the worst part. Hopefully PT is paid for until I am fully done. I won't be driving for a long time. Was initially 6 weeks but now it's been pushed back.
Hope you're healing well!
Not an expert on dosages but I find the .mg's they gave you to be very low (please don't suffer, call them or a hospital and tell what you've been given is not working for you) makes me sad when I hear that people are in pain (and if they've already got fibro as extra) 😔🫂
I did that since they had me taking 20mg of hydrocodone and it was making me sick. I told them I can't continue doing this and need something stronger. Well they have me 5mg of oxycodone which still isn't enough. I honestly done think the strongest lain medication would help this pain, especially with the fibromyalgia working against me. I'm 3 weeks post surgery and still not doing great dealing with the pain and physically therapy (tourcher) is even worse when she moves my stiff shoulder. I had to tell her to just stop I can't do this today. I go tomorrow then it's 2x a week after that.
I am mixed on if I would of done this surgery if I knew the pain level I was going to have but it was absolutely needed. I had just a very small piece of my rotator cuff holding things together and a bone spur that was working on taking the rest of it out. So it was needed,but the pain level is horrible. I know it's the worst shoulder surgery to have and takes a while before I'll be better. I could be this way for 6 months post surgery,but hoping that by the time my next doctor visit it's better with the therapy since I'll be going 2x a week. I've somehow have stayed positive throughout the entire process which is hard given the pain level. Hopefully it will be better soon and I can drive again in the next 4 weeks.
I bought a new to me car and it's been sitting in the drive way. I haven't drive since the day of my surgery when I drove to surgery.
🫂🫂🫂 please don't do thing's if it's causing you too much pain (we want you to recover quickly) just the dosages don't seen very much?
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I don't think it is,but doctors are holding back to keep people from getting addicted to them,understandable,but why should those who do need them for a short period of time be thrown into that category? I don't want to be on them much longer by choice with or without pain. I'm ready to get off them.
The whole thing with the addiction problem has been proven NOT to have started or be continued by people with chronic pain, or who need medication for pain after a surgery. This is known. So for those of us who really need these medications to still have so much trouble getting them is completely wrong. @Drummer76 , I am so sorry you are going through this. Many of us can understand how you are feeling. I wish there were more justice in this, but I guess we will have to wait and see if this changes. I know there are people working hard to try to get it changed, but as we all know these things happen too slowly.
I had full sinus surgery, septoplasty, full bilateral turbinate reduction, polypectomy and bilateral FESS on 1st February, I am still recovering. Sinus still congested. Just the swelling causing that as I can breath . Haven’t been able to breath out of my right nostril since 2002, when I brock my nose playing competition cricket.
Oh the pain was nasty, so much bleeding.
I kept complaining about my eye, the pain was intense. They kept checking it as apparently the surgeon had chipped my eye socket, said I will get extra bruising and swelling.🤦🏻‍♀️ stayed in overnight.
Went home with splints and stitches in my nose.
I was only home 40 minutes and got my son to drive me to my optometrist. He checked my eye after putting a numbing dye in.
As I knew it , while I was under for 2 hours my sjogrens had caused my eye to stick to my eye lid and as I opened my eye, the lid had tore my eye and caused a ulcer.
I have had a lot of procedures and big surgeries but this op takes the cake, I would never recommend it or ever do a redo. apparently polyps can tend to come back. The amount of meds I came home with and on top my usual meds had caused a pancreatitis attack. So back to the emergency for treatment. I was so scared to take the meds after that. Such a long recovery.
They were quick to chuck them meds at me.
But ask for some strong meds and your treated totally differently.
That's horrible. Sounds like you have been through enough.
I'm off the pain meds now but still have unbearable pain and well you guessed it,they don't care.
They want me to use a medication that puts me at risk for another heart attack and I refused. It was pulled off the market once for that reason,I sure as heck won't be taking it.
Hope things get better
Drummer76, sounds like a med that’s definitely not safe for you.
I was on a lot of meds a while ago. I went to a pain specialist to come off them ( my idea) 7 months of hell.
Then when I went to start on meds again but low dose, my original meds didn’t get prescribed back to me.
Sometimes I think, dang I wish I had one of them back.
But my rheumatologist just put my prednisone dose back up ( diagnosed with polymyalgia back in November) I personally think this is a magic pill. I haven’t felt this low level of pain since 2002. But all meds have a bad side and I know by then end of the year I will be on the lowest dose and then will rely on meds I have left.
I'm in severe pain. I had.rotator cuff surgery.on 1/23/24 also done some work on my bicep removed a bone spur and calcification in my shoulder.
It's been extremely sore. I was given hydrocodone 10 MG and it wasn't working so they told me to take 20mg for 24 hours made me sick to my stomach. The surgeon called in percocet 5mg. It's not helping either.
I tool a shower with help and moved my arm just a little and it made things so much worse.
I know in a few days my pain level should drop off more hopefully. If not I have to see the surgeon sooner to figure out why I'm in unbearable pain.
Word of advice, don't do this surgery unless you have a high pain tolerance or a last option.
It's been a living hell
Sooo.sorry you had to do that surgery
Without fibro I KNOW it's hell. Had several friends go through it. Took them to their knees 😪 rehab is godawful, but it DOES ease up
Just takes time and a lot of crying. That one in particular you have to barrel through otherwise excruciating pain for nothing, u won't heal correctly. Hang in there, I'll say a prayer for u and try some deep breathing/biofeedback, it can help so you're not so tense which aggravates it.
For you @Harpy