Gone potty? Plants gardens and lawns .

Let's try a video/audio - 2 bees in a poppy. They often come as a pair, and need timeout independently of another, praps to get the collected stuff sorted on their bodies - put everything in the right pocket/compartment - very understandable, something I do all day too.
Does it work for you? Doesn't for me. Maybe if downloaded. Or better connection.


  • video-2023-06-04-11-04-01 2 Bienen in Mohn Einzelblüte red black.mp4
    9.5 MB
The purple look like iris I have in my front garden.
I do have a bromeliad. Will get photos tomorrow.
Your flowers are getting more beautiful.
German bees are BIG , aren't they! (Ours are black and yellow) them ones have white on them, they're huge! they look like queens (ps I did proper quoting again 😁)
👍 🏆 👍 🏆 👍 🏆 👍 🏆 🍫 :D
They may appear big cos I'm so close, I wouldn't say they're much bigger than a centimetre. They're "bumble bees" as opposed to "honey bees" of course. Famous for the myth of them being aerodynamically too heavy to fly. The reason is resolved after finding they use their wings more complicatedly than thought.
But true, I never noticed the white behinds! Looking it up there's apparently 3 bum colours: white, red and uniform (sort of ginger). There's also bumble bees that are blacker than normal. So a white bummed bumble bee. Genus "bombus", same as those referring to the humming sound. Wouldn't humble bees then not be more fitting? But confusing. Bumble bees then sort of baby language...
Now I'll be looking at all the bums of all the bees. I bet they'll be giving me funny looks. :ROFLMAO:
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The purple look like iris I have in my front garden.
Purple meaning #7? My iris is #3. Was. Had to chop the stalk off today. Is your iris still there or old?
Now the lamb's ears are coming up, my are they velvet-purple. And they're all over the place. The poppies are increasing at the moment, but a good portion (8 today) are already thru. They don't need to be deadheaded. But the bellflowers I have started to do so, cos there's enough in the front part of the garden, and I want to try to get more into the darker parts under the cherry. One's making it there, so why not more? Same with the aguileria which is growing on the patio, that's not the best place to seed itself...
My seed collection is getting more and more varied, so I started writing down what is what. It's OK now after a bit of thought. But in the winter when everything's brown and green I'll quickly get confused.
Looking forward to your iris and new bromelaide pictures - pineapple type? :D
YES!!! got trophies and chocolates!!! (Makes the fall I had yesterday seem better now ) yes jaycs, you'll be all eyeing up bees bums now 😄 and , I'll be g👀gling bees bums (which might be wierd in itself?) I don't care it's interesting (new thing, new colours)
Yes the number iris number 3 is what I have . Yes iris still there , may move it shortly as it’s just too dry out the front.
But hey look at this splash or colour. 6A199D00-8F9B-4F6B-A647-24B9711E8DCE.png
More beautiful this year than ever.
Above is a traveling bromeliad, in a year or so it will fully cover the palm tree.
I just took this pic of Rambetta, she loves her Granny Smith 🍏.
Oh my goodness, the Iris is beautiful!!! (all those rainbows). Every time I see a picture of rambetta, I wanna hug her! (She reminds me of them mogwai's in the gremlins film when they're all cute first)
Oooh I would love to see those bumble bees in my garden. They’re so cute. We just have your average garden bee.
I have seen tiny native bees and want my son to build a box for me to encourage them in my gardens.