Recent content by thparker13

  1. T

    exercise with fibromyalgia

    I can relate all too well, I was easily 80 lbs overweight weight and in an ongoing cycle! I’m overweight so I hurt, then go to the gym to try to exercise but I’m overweight so it was counterproductive and then I’d hurt from the gym and start all over again. Luckily, I found a doctor that said I...
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    Hoping to Volunteer

    I truly appreciate everyone’s feedback, it has been extremely helpful reading about other opportunities and hearing that other people are struggling with the same thing! Sometimes it feels like I am alone on this island and people just don’t understand, but then I come here and read about the...
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    Hoping to Volunteer

    What excellent ideas! When I was in junior high, I was a candy striper, when they still had them! I absolutely loved the job! Hospitals are a great place to look into! Thank you for the feedback! I absolutely am going to look into the library as well, I just happen to be going there today, so I...
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    Any natural remedies for dry eyes?

    Omgosh!! It’s crazy when you respond to my threads, I swear we do things so similar at times. I set up reminders on my phone or place things so I will remember them, and then I get used to seeing them so I forget again. I will get into a routine for a bit, and then miss one day, and that routine...
  5. T

    Any natural remedies for dry eyes?

    They are called GenTeal eye gel drops. They are so lubricating. I use both at times. Maybe one in the morning and one at night if my eyes are really dry.
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    Hoping to Volunteer

    Thanks for responding, I did an orientation at the local shelter and they were asking for so much more than I think I can provide. I was going to ask them as well if they would allow me to just come in and hangout with the cats for a few hours and read to them or just cuddle, because I know I...
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    Any natural remedies for dry eyes?

    I’m not sure about all natural, but I use Systane and gel drops as well. These two have worked wonders for my eyes when they are really bad. If I could just remember to do it everyday, my eyes wouldn’t be as bad, but remembering to do something is just too much for me.. hahah. I am going to try...
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    Hoping to Volunteer

    Yesterday I went to a volunteer orientation and as we were finishing up, I asked if the hours were set in stone or I could do less hours in the shift, they said no. I was so frustrated, this is the second place I’ve gone with the intention to volunteer but they sort of have set hours they want...