Hoping to Volunteer


Jul 5, 2023
Yesterday I went to a volunteer orientation and as we were finishing up, I asked if the hours were set in stone or I could do less hours in the shift, they said no. I was so frustrated, this is the second place I’ve gone with the intention to volunteer but they sort of have set hours they want you to work, in this case was 4 hours.
I don’t work, and haven’t for a couple of years due to all my health issues. I applied for Social Security disability, but am currently waiting to get my decision. It’s so frustrating trying to explain to someone what your conditions are and how limited you are in order for them to understand.
Anywho, I wanted to see about giving an hour or two when I am feeling up to it, but they are set on their hours of expectation. I was considering emailing and seeing if they could accommodate, but fear they will just say no.
I do have some good days and am able to do a bit more but never know until the day gets going. I thought volunteering would help my mind feel better about not being able to do much but have been disappointed by the requirements.
I often feel as if I’m not contributing to anything and was hoping volunteering would help.
Any suggestions for volunteering opportunities that don’t have strict hours to work?
If I can’t work a job, even part time, how am I expected to work even if it is only volunteering?
So frustrated!
The pain I experience has just taken so much, I just want an opportunity to feel normal every so often.
Ah, @thparker13 I know how you feel. I also have the same problem and the same feelings....wanting to do something to contribute somewhere, but not being 100% reliable or able to work very many hours.
And I SO understand about just wanting to feel like a normal person every so often!! I feel the same way.

I don't know if it will be possible where you live or not, but you might try an animal shelter, if you like dogs and cats. I was talking recently to someone who volunteers at a shelter here and they said that once you've gone through the process of training, and depending on what kind of work you will be doing, you don't necessarily have to work set hours or days and can just show up and help out for as long as you can. I am thinking that there might be something I could do there. Usually those places have so much to do and so little help that they will be grateful for anything you can do. And there's a lot of stuff to do from laundry to cleaning cages to office work or filing to taking dogs for a walk or just sitting with animals who are frightened to be there, petting the cats, and so on. I am hopeful that I can find a little niche to fit into there.

Another thought is that maybe you could do some work for a food pantry or deliver food to shut-ins or elderly people, if they would accept your not doing it for too many hours. Just a thought.
Thanks for responding, I did an orientation at the local shelter and they were asking for so much more than I think I can provide. I was going to ask them as well if they would allow me to just come in and hangout with the cats for a few hours and read to them or just cuddle, because I know I don’t have cleaning and other things in me to do. I pay my son now to help at home.
The one I went to the other day was volunteering at the lion habitat and was hoping I could work in the ticket booth or gift shop, but they said those are already taken and don’t need help. It left me feeling very disappointed. I get that they already have regular volunteers that do that, so I shouldn’t be disappointed but still am all the same.
I feel as if I should still email both of them and explain my circumstances and see if there are other ways I may be able to volunteer with them, but am afraid they will just say no thank you. If I am the one who doesn’t reach out, then I am not rejected by them, it’s my doing. Dumb I’m sure, but for some reason seems better to me.
@thparker13 I would like to encourage you to make the effort, but maybe in person would be bet ter than an email.

I don't know how it is where you live, but here if you asked if you could come in every now and then and just cuddle cats, I am pretty sure they'd be delighted to have you. A person would still have to go through the whole orientation program, because they cannot allow someone they don't know or have not trained to have access to the animals. There are some sickos out there, after all, so they have to be sure you are OK. But you have already done that, so try to get an appointment with the volunteer co-ordinator. Ask for just 10 or 15 minutes of their time, explain your situation as briefly as possible, and say you just want to cuddle cats or pet the dogs or do something....anything you are physically able to do..... that will help. I think if you went in to talk to them in person (if possible) you could find a way.

Sure, the ticket booth and gift shop would be very highly-sought positions in a place like that so I am not surprised they are taken and probably with a waiting list.
But really simple things at a shelter like sitting with a dog who is scared or cuddling a cat....those sorts of things are always needed.

I am going to try to do volunteering in the "enrichment" program at a shelter, which basically means sitting with a scared dog or playing fetch with a dog or doing a little bit of basic training to help a dog be more adoptable. Once I can get myself on some medication that makes it possible for me to function better, that is the first thing on my list because I really want to be out there doing something worthwhile. My friend who volunteers at the shelter here tells me they always need help of all kinds in many areas and that I should be able to find something I can do. I hope that turns out to be true, and that the same is true for you!
Hey! I love volunteering and I think this is a great idea. I thought I would throw in some suggestions in case you haven't thought of them already.
  1. Local museums: The one I volunteer in has an all-year-round archiving and gardening (well this one is mostly spring/summer) opportunity that allows volunteers to come in when they like.
  2. Hospitals: This one may be tricky as the ones that I have looked at usually have some sort of yearly requirement for hours. However, I only live near large hospitals, so it is completely possible that ones near you don't! Or maybe you can handle the hour requirement - not sure. The children's hospital near me is always looking for volunteers to come in, hold the babies, and read to them! There are also drink cart and gift shop positions if you prefer, which I'm sure is commonplace.
  3. Libraries: To be fair this one doesn't seem the most fun. However, most libraries hold classes or events. I'm not sure if a volunteer would be involved with this, but I don't see why not.
  4. Since it is the holidays, I'm sure certain organizations like Socks for Soldiers or the Food Pantry would appreciate an extra hand for even an hour or two. I have not personally done these though, but I can imagine it can be rough, so it would depend on how you are feeling.

As an aside, I think you should maybe ask about accommodations before attending orientation, so that you aren't disappointed. Also, I wouldn't feel too bad about your second attempt at volunteering not working out. When I was in high school, it was a requirement to get 60 hours of volunteer hours. It took me literal years to get a place to respond to emails/calls and I was rejected plenty of times. Luckily, they took the requirement away before I finished high school lol. The place that I ended up volunteering with was perfect for my situation. So, I know that it is frustrating now, but you'll find a place to meet your needs.
@ElementalFlower thanks for taking the time to write those suggestions.
None of them would work for me, but I hope they will be helpful to someone else. :)
I've been disabled, initially due to another condition other then FMS, since 2010. I was approved for SSDI the same year, and have been disabled since, although now more due to FMS.

About 10 years ago, I started looking for part-time work to supplement my SSDI fixed income and contribute to my sense of fulfillment, but was unable to find anything that offered minimal hours or low pay in order not to exceed the allowable earned income cap for SSDI. Been searching ever since, but to no avail. Really could use the extra $$$.

So, I decided that since I could not find work I would look into volunteering to at least meet one of my two needs. And sometimes volunteer work can turn into paid work. It's been on my list of things to do, but getting set up in a new home; working on my fibro with intensity; and now dealing with hurricane repairs, it's been pushed back down the list.

I knew I wanted to do something to give back and something I was passionate about. I figured either animal sanctuary/rescue type volunteering or social work organizations. I let the organization where my case manager works know that I was interested and they sent me all the info I need to get started volunteering with them. But, as mentioned above, I'm not prepared yet...not until I at least get my major hurricane damage repairs done.

That being said, to answer your question, I think that the best types of places to volunteer are non-profits. I believe they will permit more flexibility in hours, etc than, say, a privately-owned hospital or nursing home, government, etc. But also make sure it's something you are passionate about because I think volunteering should be rewarding to oneself as well as giving to others. I'm sure if you look online you will probably find plenty of local resources for volunteer opportunities. Also, if you are an AARP member, as I am, they have a volunteer opportunity database you can search.

Best of luck, and thank you for giving back.
What excellent ideas! When I was in junior high, I was a candy striper, when they still had them! I absolutely loved the job! Hospitals are a great place to look into!
Thank you for the feedback! I absolutely am going to look into the library as well, I just happen to be going there today, so I can at least ask, right? What’s the harm?
I’m excited about these ideas! Glad you responded!
Have a wonderful day!
@JamieMarc .......just want to say, I am so sorry you are having to repair hurricane damage. Every time there's a hurricane in Florida (which seems to be more and more often in recent years), I feel so terrible for people who live there. You live in paradise in so many ways, but then along comes a hurricane and you can lose everything. I don't think I could live with that happening. But I also know that if you like where you live, or don't have the resources or the energy or whatever it takes to move elsewhere, or for any number of other reasons you can't leave, you stay and rebuild...sometimes over and over. I just wanted to say I am so very sorry that happens.
I truly appreciate everyone’s feedback, it has been extremely helpful reading about other opportunities and hearing that other people are struggling with the same thing! Sometimes it feels like I am alone on this island and people just don’t understand, but then I come here and read about the frustrations that others are experiencing and sadly it makes me feel better knowing there are others out there going through it too! I wish none of us were, but glad to know there is a community out there to support each other and help get you through! Thank you all!
I feel the same way. We wouldn't wish this on someone else, but it is helpful to know that others understand and are experiencing the same things that we are.
I am very grateful to everyone for being here and making this little community what it is.
@sunkacola Thank you for your kind words. Florida is beautiful, it's my home state and we've been here 8 generations. I've thought about moving, but then I realize every place has it's own weather disasters or other downfalls. Earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, blizzards, etc. And for me, cold. LOL. I love the Florida heat, and am SO sensitive to cold weather. But, I'm acclimated to it.

Thanks again! I really appreciate your empathy and kind words. You are very thoughtful, and I need that in my life, especially going through all of this.

Thank goodness I'm smart enough to have homeowners insurance, and they have taken good care of me. I've lived here all of my life in Florida, experienced dozens of hurricanes, but have never had to file a claim until Milton. I was worried about my insurance not paying enough or denying something, but they have been wonderful. I have had my skirting replaced. The other two major damage repairs needed are a new roof and carport. I've hired a roofer, but have not been scheduled yet (way backed up over here). Still getting carport replacement estimates. Hopefully, I'll have it all done before next hurricane season starts. LOL.

I appreciate you, @sunkacola Hugs! 🤗
Thparker13 , it's sooo nice that you want to volunteer your time to a good cause (and with fibro, volunteering is easier than throwing yourself into some kind of work with hours and things you might not be capable of doing) maybe contacting a volunteering organisation might be a good idea (I'm sure there'll be somewhere someone will be grateful for your offering) please don't be afraid to be honest about capabilities and limitations it's better all round.