Memes: A Touch of Humor for Us Fibromites

I am that friend/aunt/coworker...

Late at night, probably 11:30pm. It was a worknight. Super tired but Wal Mart was calling my name.

Once inside I heard the bathroom calling my name. I was super tired and not a fan of public bathrooms but this was a peemergency.

Mid-stream I notice the foot in the stall next to me. It was HAIRY, like really hairy, and BIG. Toenails were unkempt. Started thinking it was a man's foot but in the women's bathroom. Came to realize it was a transperson in the stall next to me.

Until I walked out of the stall and saw a line of urinals 🤪🤪🤪
Shouldn't forget this angle on life... 👐

My wife's got CoV pretty bad since yesterday, and shared a few nice vids:

Hatching quail Albert#2 is something different: "I Hatched A Supermarket Egg... Again!"

OK, cute, but I much prefer this'un...:
If you (like us) like "Funny cats / dogs - Funny animal videos", try that with "Best videos of October 2022", that's vUQLEZwxk9M. My fave snips & teasers: re-watching was definitely worth it:

Choosing the smallest of spaces: vUQLEZwxk9M?t=94 and t=338, smallest bath tub t=571
Extra-Stretching: t=248
Making the best of impossible situations: t=268 and t=355
When that funny feeling comes up in our backsides... t=367
Best behaved cat t=381
Whispering dog t=387
Please watch for my pots so they don't boil over t=404
Our conditions sometimes calls for creative solutions t=438
When I say no, I mean "no" t=469
Just think about it to simplify your life t=522
Mirror neurons: licking t=539
Greediest bigmouth t=594
Muscledog self-admiring t=602
Once your cat can do this you have a problem t=620, not quite so successful - yet... t=652
Girls go to the bathroom together t=673
Cat helping with the housework t=737
"Sir, I was provoked" t=775
Artistic cat wagging its tail t=795
Wait, am I being filmed? Ah, never mind... t=803, directly following:
In German "Dackelblick" is an innocent look. Got it. Directly following:
Chase game, extended version: You may not ever need anything else to keep your cat busy...

OK, remember not to waste your time with this, and of course not to smile....
You are the universe pretending to be a bird.
Lots to muse upon in that... Now I'm learning pigeon language I may soon be having a few serious words with a few, or them thar may with me more like it.
Hehe, I think I already know the right mating behaviour, and try to tell the men before it's too late that they're not gonna get their timid object of desire if they're too forthright, but they don't listen. We'd have had many more babies around the gardens if they'd be a bit gentler about it. But then again the neighbours would complain about too many babies, so Darwin wins again.
But you're so right, the mating calls aren't easy to distinguish at all from the others. The melody even ;) to me always seems very similar. But when mating they seem to be longer and a bit more pleading and emphasizing. Whilst when they've successfully cleared off a rival for food or mating, it can be 1 phrase shorter and a wee bit smugger. But the difference between most individuals is much greater than between their different kinds of call. One sounds as if he's gonna explode with desire one day, another calls in double speed.
Ah, to think up to a few months ago I always thought they all looked and sounded the same - and didn't even look or hear. :D 🤷‍♂️
But I think they like most of our garden dwellers are touchy about being mimicked, others even looked at too long while I'm moving, OK when I'm resting. Very understandable, wouldn't anyone?
If these pigeons aren't gonna listen to you, they're not gonna get nowhere (yes being too pushy ain't good) you'll have too make a course for them they buy online (pigeon seduction or something? 😀) 💌💌 🕊
Knowing my luck if I tried a bird call they would chase me back in the house.
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