Dreams , lots of crazy dreams , what kind of crazy dream do you suffered from?

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Tipnatee N

Very helpful member
May 8, 2017
I'm at this moment stuck on the similar crazy dreams for a week now , it looks like I'm on the traveling channel doing all the bazaar things with even weirder outcomes all random stories. It took an hour at least after I wake up everytime to figuring out that I am awake , not sure where I am, while apart of my brain still in the same dream trying to figure my way out. I mean I knew I'm not at the moment weight 300lb ridding a giant pig, training horse to use little box , or training dog to sing and dance performances in the charity concert ,while it was about to fail do to the wrong music selection. But still my brain so confuse everytime I wake up. Every week dream style changed, not at all like what I've watched on tv the night before or relating in any sense. Plus if I know my dream is going which direction I'll choose to watch something opposite just to be safe. I feel like I have been plague my crazy dreams for years . I'll feel so bless if I could just one night goes without it cause I need some rest since most dream felt so exhausted to me after I'm awake. Are there some out of control crazy dreams happening to you too?
Oh man! I've also been having crazy dreams lately. Super vivid and often some pretty nightmarish stuff. Pretty sure I've seen parts of WWIII or something. Also have woken myself up yelling or whispering to myself a few times, and often sweating quite badly. Not sure what's bringing them on. Medication? The fibro? Sorting through the insanity of the world? It doesn't seem to be connected to bad fibro days either, but though I end up in a daze all the next day thinking about what the hell my brain was trying to tell me in my sleep.
I dream quite often, but normally it's mundane repetitive stuff (not so much recurring dreams as recurring themes). These crazy dreams lately have been very vivid with their own storyline that has little connection to my own life, more like I'm watching some weird speculative fiction unfold. Definitely providing some writing material though.

Any known connections between fibro and/or medication causing crazy dreams (or crazier than usual)? I'm on Cymbalta.
Most of the time i have fictional stories dream too!! But It was more to me like I'm me but not me, the situation in very different setting very far from what I recognize, but the story line some base on similar to my own. Sometime just like on a cross road I took different turn or made different choices but still ended up the same as I am now. I only wish I remembered the details cause it would have been very cool to write it down since some of the setting are quite excitingly crazy. Once in my dream I was in around year of early 1700 or so in different country joining some gang in to some war. Other time I was back in my child form, but the time order was place differently, therefore the life adventure were different but still lead to the same age with the same illness . Or just plan crazy and went sci-fi out of space. Or become the world number one enemy by mistake. All very vivid, all very hard to wake up from. I'm not on any medication right now do to side effect both physically and financially. But just think even without medications the crazy dream still crazy as ever. And yes I always wake up sweat like crazy both with or without drug.
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When I first started taking gabapentin I was having crazy vivid dreams. I'm not sure if I gree out of the side effect but I know I just felt exhausted and disoriented when I woke
I may be wrong but I think our brains are stuck in the REM cycle of sleep. Never making it into to the deep sleep that our bodies need. I take sleep medication now and I don't wake with these dreams but I'm not sure how if I'm getting quality sleep.
Maybe our brains getting stuck in our sleep is just another gift from the fibro Gods!

Do talk to you doctor if you can. Maybe some natural supplements would help. I've had luck in the past with GABA, melatonin and Valeria root (lol not all together).
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Dreams.....well, for me they are mostly nightmares. I have always suffered from them. This year I had my first sleep paralysis - it was the strangest experience. I woke up from a very dark dream, and I could not move and it felt like there was this force on me, it felt real dark and 'evil' weight. It was scary because I could not move, but thankfully my cat was laying next to me leg so I kept telling myself it is ok, I am not paralyzed, I can feel my baby cat....after 10 minutes, I was able to move my body...really strange.

My nightmares are also almost always psychologically distressing. I see situations I fear, feelings of utter loneliness, being ridiculed, being invisible, disgraced etc. I also have lots of nightmares of rushing to places and not getting there because I can't get dressed or I can't find my bag/ID. And I also somehow have lots of nightmares of plane crashes. So when I wake up, I feel really depressed and hopeless, and utterly scared of life. Sleep is supposed to be an escape, yet my biggest fears even follow me into sleep.
Hello. I found that while taking a drug LAROXYL an Amitriptyline that if i missed out my nightly dose of one tablet that i would have the craziest dreams. Walking upside down on the ceiling....flying... Or dream a complete short film in black and white and wake up and write it all down scene by scene !!!
Falling asleep in my chair after a late tea would also risk having a weird dream as well as an imobileisation that made it hard for me to get up and go to bed..and take my drugs.
I was told by my doctor to start taking this laroxly twice a day as do i with my pain killer drugs. But i found that taking it twice a day let to taking it at very different times, and so let the door open to having weird dreams again and even in the daytime before bed.
So my reccomendation is to explain this to your doctor if you are taking this drug, and make sure you DO take one befor going to sleep.. And only one a day..but dont reduce from taking more than one a day without first talking to your doctor..
The drug Laroxyl is used to treat both neuroligical disorder pain ( i have severe arthritus in the neck (c3 to c7).). That produces phantome stabbing pains and muscle weakness, to the second effect of reducing depression. This is why you must talk to your doctor first..do not reduce the amount taken as this could be life threatening.
To fight depression takes a different approach entirely. But tbis is a subject to be treated in another post..
Dreams.....well, for me they are mostly nightmares. I have always suffered from them. This year I had my first sleep paralysis - it was the strangest experience. I woke up from a very dark dream, and I could not move and it felt like there was this force on me, it felt real dark and 'evil' weight. It was scary because I could not move, but thankfully my cat was laying next to me leg so I kept telling myself it is ok, I am not paralyzed, I can feel my baby cat....after 10 minutes, I was able to move my body...really strange.

My nightmares are also almost always psychologically distressing. I see situations I fear, feelings of utter loneliness, being ridiculed, being invisible, disgraced etc. I also have lots of nightmares of rushing to places and not getting there because I can't get dressed or I can't find my bag/ID. And I also somehow have lots of nightmares of plane crashes. So when I wake up, I feel really depressed and hopeless, and utterly scared of life. Sleep is supposed to be an escape, yet my biggest fears even follow me into sleep.

Ah.. the nightmares I had lots of those before , it's like the story of the shadow people. I woke up during the night while I was in hospital yet my body can't move ... feeling like the weight of ton on my body , I can't even speak as if I was paralyzed . There was a small mirror next to the bed side table and my eyes was playing tricks on me I could swear that I saw weird shadow on top of me and even the bottom of the bed look sunk down I was scare I think I might had fainted back to sleep. A few month later at home I had a very bad high fever , I woke up the same way and saw a shadow of an old lady sitting in the end of my bed looking at me with her red glowing eyes and said " you're going to die, what are you going to do about it ?" I sprung out of the bed turned on the light then checked my temperature. I was close to 105 , I dragged my self in to the bathtub and turn on cold water till I cool down the whole body . As scare as I was I think that crazy dream/ hallucination did save my life back there.
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Oh man! The craziness is back! Had another one for the "maybe this is a story or something" books last night that seemed to be something like the lego movie meets the matrix. Also, in this world, Christmas is known as Kissmas, when friends and family exchange small gifts, preferably handmade, and a kiss on the cheek. Merry Kissmas! (best idea my brain has had in a while)

Anyway, there is still the mystery as to why, even though the fact that you're dreaming means you are indeed sleeping, that you still tend to wake up feeling unrested, in a daze, stuck between two worlds or something, and if it's a fibro thing or a drug side-effect. I will say that I am relatively achy today.

Maybe the answer will come to one of us in a dream
Oh man! The craziness is back! Had another one for the "maybe this is a story or something" books last night that seemed to be something like the lego movie meets the matrix. Also, in this world, Christmas is known as Kissmas, when friends and family exchange small gifts, preferably handmade, and a kiss on the cheek. Merry Kissmas! (best idea my brain has had in a while)

Anyway, there is still the mystery as to why, even though the fact that you're dreaming means you are indeed sleeping, that you still tend to wake up feeling unrested, in a daze, stuck between two worlds or something, and if it's a fibro thing or a drug side-effect. I will say that I am relatively achy today.

Maybe the answer will come to one of us in a dream

Haha!!! sorry I laughed I couldn't help it , you had me rolling on the floor after the lego movie meet matrix. :-D:-D I had many stupid cartoonish dreams for sometime but yours better I think. Mine mostly like the road runner while I kept on getting kill like the ground hog day from the tv show supernatural episode in 2D.
I get crazy bad nightmares if my body is in pain while I am asleep. Like real Wes Craven gory horror movie nightmares, often involving the body part that is actually in pain at the time.

I also don't sleep well at all. I wake up every 90mins. I haven't slept through the night in years, even with the help of sleep meds. I have to get 12 hours of sleep every night just to make up for the poor quality.
Omg I used to experienced the exact same thing like you for a few years till i finally got it under control just recently! I used to have sleep disturbances every night, and worse is when my body really tried and about to fallen in to deep sleep I've got suddenly being shook awake by my own body heavy spasm during dream of falling off the Clif or down the hole then awake again. It hurts really bad when it happen every other 10 to 20 minutes till I finally lost it and just unknowingly finally sleep do to exhaustion. Later on I've found that by adjusting my electrolytes I can gain easier sleep, along with not forcing my self to sleep just because I have to. Some time I used mineral salt warm bath like Dead Sea salt that contain magnesium, potassium, calcium salt. ( sometimes I add aspirins just because I like it) as a relaxing bath just before I go to sleep. I drink water and make sure I'm not hungry before I go to sleep. I tried to used up all my brain power along with a light workout or stretching to relax my muscles. Before I go to sleep. I also sleep with a pillow behind my back and used a neck support for restricting my movement and keep my core in the stretch yet comfortable position. It works for me and I sleep more soundly. I just can't yet find the way to control my sleep patterns but at least I get some good sleep. ;)
I have back support pillows too!! And front support and I have a pillow between my knees. I call it 'pillow engineering' lol :P I'm currently taking 25mg Seroquel for sleep and it helps me to fall asleep but doesn't do anything to keep me asleep. I've looked into just about everything and nothing is out there that will keep you asleep other than heavy drugs, which i don't want to get into. A GP suggested Endep (which I once tried to take for pain but it didn't do anything), but I really don't want to go down the antidepressant road again. So this is the status quo 😩😞
I have back support pillows too!! And front support and I have a pillow between my knees. I call it 'pillow engineering' lol :P I'm currently taking 25mg Seroquel for sleep and it helps me to fall asleep but doesn't do anything to keep me asleep. I've looked into just about everything and nothing is out there that will keep you asleep other than heavy drugs, which i don't want to get into. A GP suggested Endep (which I once tried to take for pain but it didn't do anything), but I really don't want to go down the antidepressant road again. So this is the status quo 😩😞

I used to take lorazepam and it help my panic disorder and anxiety including sleep disturbances. And it donesnt interfere with my other condition or my weak stomach. It might help you too you should talk to your doctor. I'm not big on taking medication my self. I find microbead pillow to be very helpful ( and not expensive) cause they form to my body however I want it to be and not collapsing as easy. I bought so many of it I can made a bed out of lol . Another pillow filler that I also trying hard to find also for night anxiety is kapok pillow cause it's firm, hypoallergenic, breathable water resistant , and organic. Good for night sweat which cause by anxiety also. But stress is what cause all sleep problem. Yet stress from being stress is so impossible to unstress. The more I stress about unable to sleep the worse it gets. I might have got better because I lost everything that I used to worry about. I think
Dreams.....well, for me they are mostly nightmares. I have always suffered from them. This year I had my first sleep paralysis - it was the strangest experience. I woke up from a very dark dream, and I could not move and it felt like there was this force on me, it felt real dark and 'evil' weight. It was scary because I could not move, but thankfully my cat was laying next to me leg so I kept telling myself it is ok, I am not paralyzed, I can feel my baby cat....after 10 minutes, I was able to move my body...really strange.

My nightmares are also almost always psychologically distressing. I see situations I fear, feelings of utter loneliness, being ridiculed, being invisible, disgraced etc. I also have lots of nightmares of rushing to places and not getting there because I can't get dressed or I can't find my bag/ID. And I also somehow have lots of nightmares of plane crashes. So when I wake up, I feel really depressed and hopeless, and utterly scared of life. Sleep is supposed to be an escape, yet my biggest fears even follow me into sleep.

I had sleep paralysis as well for a year. It was really awful. I'd keep having these nightmares and then waking up paralysed and hallucinating the bad guy from my dream in my room!! I wasn't able to scream or move and I just had to wait it out until I could move again and then the hallucination would end.

My nightmares are really terrible too. They all involve killers, knives, torture, a lot of blood, stabbing, limbs cut off, vomit, rape, and bad guys that just keep coming after me no matter where I run or hide. It's truly horrible and frightening. Every time I hear about people's nightmares or describe one of my own, I always get the same response - that my nightmares are way, way beyond the normal subject matter of common nightmares.
Hi guys,
reviving this thread, mostly to ask: are you taking magnesium supplements? I didn't know this, but just learned that vivid dreams are a common side effect of magnesium supplementation (and it's aparently supposed to help you sleep better, but crazy dreams make me feel like I've been running around all night).
There must be something to it, because the other night I tried increasing my supplements (have been taking a half dose) and felt like I'd been severely drugged, vivid dreams all night, still half asleep and slurry and fibro pain in full swing. Maybe for most people the dreaming is a good thing, but that + fibro + drugs might mean things get thrown into overdrive. I think I'll stick to my usual dose for now, and try increasing again another time and see what happens.

Oh, but the crazy dreams still keep coming regardless. Also, always wake up having sweat through my undies (should add that to the list of "embarassing things")

Sleep tight!
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