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Hello everyone. Im not entirely sure what condition i have (-if any! could just be stress). Ive had really bad muscle tension in my neck for around 4-5 years, starting from when i was 9 (i am 14 now). It has slowly been getting worse and worse over time. I guess on a pain scale, it started out as a 1-2 constantly, and now im usually at a 4. Sometimes, for about 30 minutes, it gets really really bad and i cant move or do anything from the headaches it causes. I have a theory as to what the...
Hello, I am a 52 year old woman who was diagnosed with fibromyalgia recently. Did not realize that this disease effects the body this way. It has progressively gotten worse in the past two years and It appears it has settle to being with me daily. I am a person who loves being outside with dogs doing things with my kids and not afraid of working hard in the yard. So this is definitely a different life style i have to get used to.
I’m worried nothing will help me. Feeling miserable:(
Hi, I'm Kevin from Minnesota. About 2 years ago, I fell from a ladder, and rolled over my neck. 1.5 weeks later, I had abdomen pain. Er, Mri- found a tear in my celiac artery. I was down for about 2 weeks without surgery, but I given thinners and bed rest. Migraines started to become more frequent in those days.The stiffness from the bed rest never went away. I have sharp pains throughout my body. Gabapentin has helped at 1800mg. I have pain in my wrist, elbows, shoulders, lower back...
Hi there, I’ve just registered on this site. I’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia for about 15 years and try to manage my condition with vitamins and supplements and a healthy eating plan. I do get flares, but over time I’ve worked out the mine are mostly triggered by stress. I would like to ask if anyone else gets extreme fatigue when they get the flu and Covid jab. I got mine 5 days ago and am really struggling just get a shower and dressing has me wiped out. Is this a common symptom.
Hi I am Amy, when I was very young I developed muscle pains aches etc went to my GP they prescribed all kinds of things. I went through so many doctors.. nurses, pain treatments over 10 years nothing, anyway 20 years later my joint paints just got worse, burning all over my body doctors couldn't figure out what was going on and I find this forum where everyone is explaining what I am going through. Last year I had an emergency C-section and 3 failed epidurals which left me with even more...
Diagnosed with psoriatic disease 30 years ago. Now have Fibromyalgia also. Have been extremely down with severe mostly upper body pain. Joints and muscles. Been on opioids for long time since 17 (now) arthritis meds haven’t worked. Been on lots of steroids off and on for years. The two Conditions together can be unbearable at times. Rheumatologist doesn’t know what to do. I am looking at several possible alternative treatments, all very expensive. Diet was changed years ago with recent more...
Hello, I am a 20 year old female who was just recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I am currently in that limbo stage where I am trying to get confirmation that it is what it truly is. Doctors also thought for a while it could possibly be Lupus but then some are saying it’s Fibromyalgia. I have been to 4 different Rheumatologist and I am onto my 5th on now. They seemed to never truly take me seriously with one diagnosing me with Hyper Mobility and saying that that was the cause for all my...
Hello! I decided to sign up today and really appreciate that there is this forum for those with FMS. I was diagnosed in 2007 and there was nothing around by way of support. In fact I would always hope to bump into someone else with Fibro when visiting my Rheumatologist but never did. It was a lonely time and as a consequence I just went into denial and never spoke about it. It is only now that invisible disabilities are now spoken about in the mainstream, that I am willing to open up a...
Hi everyone 👋, My name is Hayley & I'm new to forums never used one lol 🤣😂. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia & Osteoarthritis nearly a year ago in 2023 but was having symptoms & always ill from 2021 until they finally diagnosed me. I also have Anxiety,Endometriosis, Asthma & other bits going on haha 😄. I thought I would come on here & see what it's about & talk to others that are going through the same condition or other conditions, as there isn't really anywhere or anybody to chat to...
Hi, new here and still getting to know the forum. I'm 65 years old and live in Vermont. I'm interested in dietary changes and minor/moderate supplement use to help with fibromyalgia symptoms and pain. Also have diagnoses of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. No knee cartilage to speak of. :sneaky: So I'm interested in any reasonable treatment or supplement possibility.
Hi, Diagnosed about 6 months back after years of tests and scans, main issue is my GP did not really understand Fibromyalgia and I from reading up lead the trials of meds until I recently had my referral to pain clinic, I am currently taking venlafaxine and tramadol but not touching the pain and restless body and legs are relentless, I was on cocodamol with pregablan and meloxicam which was making me so tired occupational health got involved as affected me at work as am holding down a full...
Hi everyone My name is Ian, I am 57 years old, I'm autistic, adhd, with serve PTSD, serve depression. I live with my partner and our son who is also autistic and nonverbal with learning difficulties. Around 2013, June, I had a major operation which saved my life, I was in operation theatre up to 11hours and woke up in intensive care. That night i had really bad pains in my chest even though i was on morphine and had an epidural in my back. After a long painful time they discovered a...
Hi, it is so helpful to know that I am not the only one suffering with all the issues, I was diagnosed 10 years ago after years of going to the doctors complaining of different symptoms . Luckily I had a new doctor who said he would have diagnosed me years ago, my condition is getting worse and don’t think people have any understanding how debilitating fibromyalgia is, I have even had comments that it’s a made up condition doctors use when they don’t know what is wrong with you,which is not...
Hello. I'm new to this forum but not new to fibro. My symptoms started back in the 1990s after a struggle with Lyme, and a concurrent virus (flare up of CMV)and a very stressful move. Have dealt with Fibro symptoms, on and off, ever since. I take pregablin which is pretty useful. It's really been pretty good over the last few years- we moved two years ago and it flared up a bit, but has been good in the warm weather UNTIL I got my first case of Covid a month ago. I took Paxlovid( and was...
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