Day 40

This will be the last post about my dear mother, for she died on September 17th. The last week of hospice was very hard to watch and do as my mom slowly died. She was comfortable but it was a very painful thing to have to do. All her children held her as she took her last breath. It is going to hurt for a long time.

My fibro has been making standing and walking very hard. I will post more later.:(


I am so deeply sorry for your loss and heartbreaking journey as you provided care in her last months of life. She was very blessed to have a devoted loving daughter like you to make the time and energy when she herself is in chronic pain and fatigue. I wish you generous time for yourself to heal and rest your heart and body. Thinking of you and sending your warm hugs.

good morning 1sweed. so sorry for your loss; i can't imagine anything more difficult. hope things are as well as can be expected, not too much physical pain. blessings.

Thank you so much for your kindness and wonderful comments. It has been very hard picking up the pieces and making a life without her. I am working hard at cleaning the house and yard, and creating a home she would have been proud of. Thus it keeps me busy so I am not so sad.
Glad you took time to comment and look forward to talking with you on forum. :)

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