Day 38

I bet you all have wondered what is happening with me. Well my eye surgery is over but still waiting on my new glasses to cure my double vision which makes typing really hard.
But my sad news is my mom is now bedridden due to a bad accident. A fall or push that caused injury to her muscles and has caused terrible pain. We are working with physical therapy trying to decrease her pain and get her walking again. I have extra help coming in around the clock caring for her as I can not do heavy lifting thanks to fibro, costing a pretty penny, lots of money.
Constant sore back and nerves shot from dealing with the hospital and doctor, and now have her home on the mend. But fibro is causing constant fatigue and leg pain and memory fog. So please pardon me for a bit until I get my new glasses and the brain fog goes away.


Get well wishes for your Mom, thankfully she has help comeing in. Thankfully she did not break her hip.

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