Day 35

Last night and today it finally snowed. The last few weeks have been bouts of cold with freezing rain and no snow. Our basement floor had water rising from all the seepage from the water logged soil. I built a board bridge across the worse part only for the ability to reach the dryer. But the boards were starting to float. I am praying that the water will start to drain away now that we have snow.
My neighbor helped me to clear out the driveway and I ran my car long enough to warm it up and get the ice off the windshield. My hands were so cold. It was -13 degrees, but the temp has dropped in the last few hours.
As I was putting mom to bed tonight she asked me where her mom and dad were. She was sure they were worried about her and being old and sick like herself if they went to the hospital they might never come home. She was crying and sad. Mom is 88 years old.
I had to tell her they were safe at home and unable to come visit because of the very bad roads. This calmed her down and she is sleeping now. So this was a hard day, when untruths have to be told to keep mom feeling safe and loved.
My pain comes from more sources then my fibro. This is mental pain and I too cry often from this disease that is destroying my mom's brain bit by bit. Yes, brain fog is bad but in many ways we have good days when we can figure and reason and some days we feel almost normal again.
Yes, my back hurts, as do my shoulders and neck, arms and legs, and feet. But this blog shares all the misery of the day not just part of it. So I talk about what is hurting me the most and hope that by your reading of my words that this will never ever happen to you or your parents.
I wish happy lives for all of you. I hope some day there is a cure or at least something that will stop the pain and other effects from robbing peoples lives, hopes, and dreams.
But for now all we can do is support each other and hold on for dear life as we grit our teeth and bare all the disappointments and rejections. and hardships.
Until next time.....take care of yourselves.:)


This is a very touching post. I often worry about becoming a burden to my husband and children. I'm only 58 but my 84 year old mother has more energy and is often more active than I am. I don't want them to have to take care of me. I've often thought about my options if it gets to that point and non of them are positive options. Right now I just live each day as best I can and try to put on a face that tells others that nothing is bothering me. I end up paying for it by the end of the day but it works for me. I don't like people waiting on me or doing thing for me that I should be doing.

You are a wonderful daughter to your mom, she is very blessed.

Thank you so much for your comment. My biggest worry is that this could happen to me and of course I will be taken to the dreaded nursing home and left there as I have no children to look after me.
I am very independent too so it will hard to adjust.
I wish I had family support in my own life and in caring for mom, but most do not want to get involved, but love telling me what I should be doing. Makes me mad and sad, at the same time.
Thanks again and good luck to you! :)

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