
New member, looking for suggestions!! :)

Good day everyone, I have just joined this forum. It is nice to chat with people who understand this illness. I am presently in a flare and it is emotionally draining this time, hoping it doesnt last long. The pain and fibro fog are so hard to live with. I am a RN and the fibro is making it hard to function day to day at my job in dialysis. I have been fighting this since 1993 and continue to fight but some days I have to throw in the towel and rest my body!!

Not a doctor that Gives a ....

diagnosed- fibromyalgia 2017, lupus anticoagulant 2017, MMD & anxiety disorder 1995 Mixed diagnose- in 2012 - 1 nero said I have MS. I have over a dozen brain lesions however the second opinion nero refuses to diagnose without a spinal tap - which I refused. and for good measure 2017 a high ANA, Rummy wants to start me on Lupus Meds but I am to afraid to start them. Meds prescribed -gabapentin, cymbalta, clonazepam, aspirin, Hydroxychloroquine Meds taking - Aspirin and Clonazepam


Hi I’m new to this forum. I have had neck pain after fusion for 8 years but have noticed the last couple of years I have lots of signs of fibromyalgia. After a visit to my doctor today she confirmed that I do and wants me to start on a new antidepressant she thinks might help. I find I am getting worse where I now have pain all over my body, sometimes worse than others. I sometimes feel so exhausted than I have to lay on the couch and it is so hard to explain to people why I am exhausted after doing things that others don’t think twice about.

Pain beyond belief

I am currently a 54 year old woman. When this all began in 2009 I was very healthy and active. Now in 2017, my body has been hurting for at least 8 years. It all started with herniated discs in my lower back. That was the worst pain I have ever had, even worse than childbirth. I began to slow down, things started to creap up on me. I had pain in my body, but every person does, right?? My knees, my hips, my feet my hands...everything just started to hurt. Sleeping and waking up are the worst for me currently. Drs couldn't figure out what was happening with me. Is it RA? or Lupus?

Day by day

Have lived with fibro for 20 years

Do most fibro sufferers have a history of multiple treatments of infections with antibiotics before being diagnosed?

I would like to hear from any members who were treated for bacterial or viral infections that were treated prior to their FMS symptoms or full blown flare up?I am interested in some research about the subject because I have issues with IBS.If you can tell me what kind of infections,a description of the treatment and how long after did your problems start.Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts!

Young mom and wife

My personal blog. I've not been on a good place lately so it's rather whiny but you can vent in the comments if you like. Here's the link.


Hi.i am 31 years old. Have had constant pain all over my body for months,muscles aches and joints hurt.i wake up all stiff abd have pains in my feet.i am always tired and my sleep is very on and off.i am always tired and generally exhausted. My hair has also started to fall out at times.i get pins and needles and numbness in my arms and legs too.

what are the strategies that work for you,to getting a good night's sleep?

I have wondered what works for others.Good sleep is a struggle for me.I will feel weak and lousy if I wake up during the night,because falling back to sleep is generally impossible.What I do is stay on my back,so as not to put pressure on my bladder and wake up.I make sure to turn off the smart phone.There is nothing worse than being woken up by an email notification at 4:00 am.I take a minimal dosage of 12mgs of amytryptiline.I used to take 75 mgs.,and feel like a zombie in the mornings.Getting to bed early helps quality of sleep,but I am working on making it a habit since I have always staye
