
  1. cinderr

    Are You Able to Have Any Form of Fun--Ever?

    I am pissed because the days fly by with no fun! I don't know how many days I have left to have fun! It doesn't bother my husband to sit here like aged old puds, watching tv, drinking the occasional beer! I am actually thinking of calling the college to see if they need ushers for their...
  2. F

    Tietze Syndrome

    Has anyone else been diagnosed with this? I was this morning and am wondering if it really takes 12 weeks to clear? Maybe the 12 weeks would be a blessing as was also told it can become chronic. Wouldn't that be fun on top of the FMS. I can't take pain meds of any kind without severe nausea and...
  3. M

    Fibro and Low Grade Fever?

    Anyone here deal with a low grade fever often with their Fibro? With low grade I mean around 99-99.8? This has become frustrating for me because it makes me feel so flushed all the time. I am 29 yrs old, and I was diagnosed about 3 yrs ago. My GP mentioned that the fever could coincide with the...
  4. R

    How often do you "play"?

    Do you play many games on or off the PC? Do you enjoy playing board games? Cards? I try to play games for an hour or so per day. They're fun to me.
  5. Trellum

    Thigh Pain

    Well, it seems my old friend: thigh pain is back! Yep, my thighs are killing me right now. It feels kinda funny when I stand up, I guess I'll just ignore it tho. It feels like the kind of pain I get sometimes before my period arrives, but I rarely get that symptom... plus my period is 12 days...
  6. cinderr

    Have You Heard people Make Fun of Fibro?

    I have! I have heard people joke that it was just an excuse to get out of work or to be lazy. I think it's because there is no definitive test to determine the nature of the disease. It can be a cold, cruel world out there. A boss at my last job, was a total jerk. It was a factory job and he...
  7. cinderr

    Is Anyone Else in the Grandma Business?

    If you're not, you eventually may be and I guarantee, you will love it! I knew I would like being a grandma but never guessed how much. Hard to bevel you could love someone so much that you did not grow in your own body! Don't buy into that nonsense about "you get to send them home"! You won't...
  8. cinderr

    Does Alcohol Help or Hurt?

    A few beers make me feel better but the pain remains, for the most part. Hips ache, even sitting on a bar stool is not easy and I am not out long. Fridays used to be our night out; not fun anymore. I am not actually afraid of drug reactions because I have tested them all. I was actually hoping...
  9. T


    Hi! I am not officially diagnosed yet but most likely will be next week. The Rheumatologist wanted to run one more round of blood work to rule out auto immune disorder but he talked a lot about Fibro and sent me home with a list of legit websites to get more info so pretty sure he is...
  10. W

    Shopping - Totally Overdid it today;(

    So, I started this blog for Fabulously Thrifty people like me. People who want to look good, but still think $50.00 is too much to spend on a dress. I grabbed 2 magazines today and went to 2 goodwills (in Phoenix area, every other Saturday is 50% off everything day). So I only went to 2...