
  1. T

    Sleep study

    Well finally did my sleep study! I have a few other names to call it.... So I went in for 9 pm took the lady 45 mins to hook me up ( while sitting still in a torture chair) then another 15/20 mins to calibrate the computer and camera...I took a book cause I try to read before bed for down...
  2. 1sweed

    Ways To Take Care Of You!

    Symptom management is the hardest part of fibro, because it is hard to know when the symptoms of fibro end, and where a new illness might be begining. Also the no cure sends us for a loop, when all we want is for it to go away so we can enjoy life and be productive. This is a list of things you...
  3. C

    Hi, I am New to the Forum

    Just discovered this forum and am looking forward to chatting to fellow fibro people to share and support each other. I live in Toronto, Canada! I am 55 and was diagnosed in 2007, however it has gotten really difficult over the past few years because I have had 8 operations for chronic frontal...
  4. F

    Opinions about Baclofen ...

    Had my first appointment with new Pain Doc today. I think it went well. He seemed to take me seriously and yet kept things light and funny. Funny is always good! For those of you who might not remember, I cannot take pain meds. They all make me seriously ill :-( .... Anyway, he gave me some...
  5. MizzDeeDee

    Upset stomach?

    Do many of you have tummy problems? I was led to believe that IBS and fibro go together sometimes. I know that I have to run to the bathroom so many times that I'll get frustrated and want to do a liquid diet. There's no rhyme or reason. One day I'm okay, and the next day it's five stops to the...
  6. 1sweed

    Just For Fun Name Game

    I thought it might be fun to add a topic on how you picked your user name. Where did the idea come from and does it mean anything special? I will get us started with my user name. I was thinking about all my family and how my father and mother's family were Swedish. And so the idea became an...
  7. T

    Happy,happy,happy! Ya funny

    New here today...didn't know this site existed. Thank goodness I found it! I was just diagnosed in July but figure I have had fibro for a long time...right now I'm not working and haven't been in almost a year... Well how has fibro affected has changed me from a go go go mom of 3 (...
  8. L

    Like mother, like daughter

    I was quite surprised when my new rheumatologist said I had fibro two weeks ago. I knew I had rheumatoid arthritis, but I always figured the other aches and pains, the relentless exhaustion and so forth, were just an extension of that. Naturally, I rang my mum and told her. "Oh," she said...
  9. K

    Just need to vent......

    Ughhhhhhhhhh so upset and frustrated! The kid who did this to me, triggered all this horrible pain.... Ugh I wish I could give him a piece of my mind! He thinks it's funny that I'm in this situation. Thinks it's funny he got off scott free. He's avoiding his responsibilities for the...
  10. cinderr

    Are You a Conformist?

    I wasn't, not at all, but now I'm afraid I've gotten entirely too normal. In my case, I got older, had those darn babies that make you want to be normal while you encourage their creativity. Then the grand babies roll in and you try to have fun; nothing but fun with grand kids! Then maybe you...